Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Rejoicing Spirit

(Above: my front porch & witness to my neighborhood)


This devotional was published in Pathways to God, Winter 05-06, p. 18 - Saturday, December 17, 2005:

"A Rejoicing Spirit" READ LUKE 1:46--55

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” --Luke 1:46-47

The week before Christmas in 1974, Mom slipped in and out of consciousness as she was about to lose her valiant battle with cancer.

Several evenings before Christmas, my sisters and I half-heartedly watched television and chatted after returning home from the hospital. As we viewed a dramatization of the nativity, my heart was awakened. “Hey, I can celebrate anyway! In the midst of all this heartache, helplessness, and weariness, Christmas is still here. Because of that event long ago, I have Jesus who gives me the strength and courage to face today's crisis and every day’s circumstances. “

Mom went “home” early Christmas morning. When I am tempted to indulge in a "pity-party" for myself, I turn my eyes to a nativity and ponder its meaning. From the depths of my heart, I choose to thank God for Christ's sustaining presence in my life.

Rejoice always in the presence of the Lord.


I had the opportunity to share this devotional with University of Central Florida international students this evening at the IFM (International Friendship Ministry) Christmas Party after leader Dave Hedberg shared the Christmas story. I set out printed copies of the devo immediately afterwards and approx. a fourth of the group took a copy.

It is an enriching and broadening experience to observe Dave explaining basic things I've been taught since childhood to young adults, some for whom Christmas is a new experience. It was my privilege to share my testimony devo tonight and dialogue with students. A current local missions opportunity + good prep for foreign missions. I pray that my words tonight impacted hearts for Christ.

A surprise blessing was the offer from a French USF graduate student in Religious Students and pastor of the University International Connection house church to help me learn French.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving 08

The 7th Annual American – International Thanksgiving Dinner on November 21th 2008 was sponsored by Bridges International and Florida Int’l Student Hospitality (FISH). I took food, cut many pies, and served as a table host. At my table were two students from Morocco, three American University of Central Florida students, and a recent UCF graduate. I was deeply impressed with the American students at my table there to reach out to international students, their spiritual maturity and passion of several for missions trips. I thank God for the ministry of FISH ( and Bridges International.

I experienced many blessings this Thanksgiving week.

What a delight to have both my sisters in Florida most of the week. It was great hanging out with older sister Pat from Kentucky and younger sister Juanita from Ohio for parts of three days. I also enjoyed times of fellowship with Juanita’s husband Dick and two other Ohio couples who came to the Turkey Run Street Rod Show. We three sisters pause (pic below) by a concrete shark on Daytona Beach Main Street Pier (Juanita on right, Pat on left).

BIown away” was my reaction to an early Christmas gift from Pat to aid my ministry - a laptop computer less than a year old. Pat who has the "electronic smarts" in our immediate family diligently worked on my old desktop many, many hours during two Thanksgiving weeks, but finally gave up getting it to work properly. The used laptop I bought to take to Africa last October has multiple issues including literally falling apart and deteriorating…so this gift is a tremendous blessing just in time of need.

I deeply appreciate the lovely Thanksgiving card with notes of love, prayers, and blessings from Northern KY WCG, a “Living Link” partner. Thank you ladies for your encouragement.

In the mail came a paper copy of the Kentucky Church of God Ministries newsletter, Winter Celebrations 2008 . Check pages 4-5 to see article “Kentucky Native Commissioned as Missionary Apprentice to West Africa.”