Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Journey Deepens Reteat, Atlanta GA

It was my privilege to attend "The Journey Deepens Reteat" in Tyrone GA at the Operation Mobilization Conference Center near Atlanta on March 26-28Along with deepening our relationship with Jesus, there was much discussion and exploration of the goer, sender, and mobilizer roles in missions. I had the opportunity to connect with representatives from several missions agencies - Finishers ProjectOperation Mobilization, and Wycliffe Bible Translators

I have served as a "goer" in the past, to Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa and Cayman Islands. Currently I am in a season of being a "sender" (David and Bonnie Baylor Family + Ernie and Lori Nicholas)  and "mobilizer" (via Perspectives course grading supervisor + library development @ Heart Institute). I pray I can always function as a sender and mobilizer, even if in small ways. The "big picture" is not visible yet... I simply do not feel God has released me from my call to be a "goer" be it short-term or long-term.

My heart, ears, and eyes are open to God's leading. Several kinds of research and exploration are in progress. For example, I have registered to attend Discover Wycliffe on May 1. My heart leaps whenever I hear and read about Wycliffe's Vision 2025 to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025.
My small group - leader: Ele Parrott (lower right),
author of Transforming Together, Authentic Spiritual Mentoring)

Gals in the Big Bunkhouse - rich sharing of learnings and fellowship at end of the days.