Friday, June 29, 2012

Meeting Future Cameroon Neighbors

Today it was a pleasure to meet my future neighbors and fellow members of the Cameroon Bible translation support team at the Wycliffe Discovery Center, Orlando while these families are on furlough.

On the left are DeAnna and David Anderson with sons Joshua and Jonah. David is an Assoc. Director, serving as a computer specialist to help in the acceleration of Bible translation in Cameroon. Deanna is an Elementary School Teacher, this past year served as Educational Resource Center Manager. DeAnna has been a great support to me in sharing specific information about my role and photos of the school where I'll serve as librarian. See her article on page one of my June WattsLine.  

On the right are Kevin and Jann Bradford with son Caleb. Kevin is a Linguistic Software and Consultant/Trainer; Jann a Linguistics Technician who wears many hats supporting translation. 

After lunch, it was helpful to me to ask many questions to Deanna and Barbara White who served there for eight years.

Why have we answered the call to support Bible translation in Cameroon?

Africa is one of the three areas of the world with the greatest need for Bible translation. Today, almost 40% of the languages spoken in Africa are still without access to Scripture - represented by the empty shadow boxes.

Much teamwork is necessary to complete each Bible translation - on the field and around the world.  Would YOU join my team of financial and prayer partners to enable me to be part of the Childhood Education support team for Bible translation? Click "PRAY or GIVE."

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"  Isaiah 6:8                  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June - July 2012 WattsLine Newsletter Posted

NOTE: My June - July 2012 WattsLine has been posted under Newsletters.

In a day and age where public school districts across the United States struggle to keep their budgets balanced, a trend is that librarians are being replaced by clerks who check out and shelve books. 

Why then is a school librarian so needed in Cameroon?

This is explained by Educational Resource Center Manager  on page 1, with even more details @ "School Librarian Role Supporting Bible Translation." 

Special THANKS to ERC Manager DeAnna Anderson for this information and for photos on page 2.