Friday, May 17, 2013

History Witnessed: Oku New Testament Offloading


          On my 60th (March 28) birthday, I had the opportunity to witness history in progress. After hearing that an offloading of newly published scripture had started across the road, I grabbed my camera and hurried over to watch. I was asked to recruit some extra help and did so.
            What a privilege to witness Oku New Testaments being taken to a storage room to await dedication ceremonies in Bui Division of Northwest Cameroon planned for October 12. I observed fine teamwork in moving the boxes; the third photo is Oku New Testaments loaded inside a Cameroon Association for Bible Translation & Literacy (CABTAL) building.
           After several checks at the type setting center here in Cameroon, an electronic copy was sent to Dallas for final verification prior to onward transmission to Korea for printing of the 5000 copies. More than 300 Oku people have already sent in money for their copies even before dedication day.
           Other Oku Scripture-related projects completed include: Published--Gospel of Luke, Parables, Heart of Man booklet; II Peter CD published (plus 3 other Scripture CDs); 5 Scripture posters plus literacy-related projects. The Jesus film is still in the works; the team just finished translating the script. They are also working on translating a material to reach kids in Oku.
           For more info, check: 
           More details and dedication photos to come later.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

March-April 2013 WattsLine Posted

Note: My March-April 2013 WattsLine has been posted under Newsletters.