Sunday, June 30, 2013

March-April 2013 WattsLine Posted

My May-June 2013 WattsLine 
was posted under Newsletters.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First Cameroon School Year Concludes - Parent Comments

The first school year in which I supported Bible translation as school librarian, Educational Resource Center Manager ended June 11. It has been a joy and privilege to support the childhood education of families of Bible translators, linguists, and various support staff.  I’ve received many words of appreciation and have asked several moms to put their words in writing to help others better understand my role. Meet some of these wonderful families...

Kay is a great resource for us.  Her years of experience in school and public libraries give her a wealth of knowledge that is very helpful for us.  The materials request sheet that she invited us to fill out is amazing.  Just a few weeks ago I wanted to teach my children a unit on Mexico and Canada.  In the past, finding books and materials in the library to go along with that unit might have taken hours of my time.  Now I just filled out the topic and types of materials I was interested in, and Kay graciously and knowledgeably picked out a collection of books for me to use.  What a big help!   --Renee Isaac

Kendall and Renee Isaac Family. Kendall is working with Lefa and several other languages in central Cameroon, analyzing how words and sentences go together in order to improve accuracy and naturalness in translation. Renee teaches the boys and is hoping to assist with literacy training events.

Dear Kay,  My two kiddos and I just want to tell you how much we look forward to Friday Mornings with you. It's such a blessing to be able to come to the library and know that you have put in a lot of work and thought into a fun creative morning for the little ones. They love the program, the stories you read to them, the songs you teach them and the craft they get to make and take home. 

Thank you for your time and for investing into the life of our little MK's.   —Tirza Cone

Jordan and Tirza Cone Family. Jordan is Physical Education Teacher  at Rain Forest International School. Tirza a nurse and will do health & medical sessions at fall 2013 CAMBO  (orientation course). They minister to international students and missionary kids.

Dear Kay,  I have thanked you during these past weeks as we have enjoyed our times every Friday morning with you and “Color My World”.  My sons, Nathaniel (6) and Jonathan (5) get SO excited every week and remind me on Friday, “Mama, it is “Color My World” day!  Are we going?”   How can a mother say “No” when they have such wide grins on their faces??

We are missionaries with Wycliffe Associates, supporting Bible Translation.  We have been serving in Bangui, Central African Republic since September of 2011.  Unfortunately, because of the unrest and recent coup there, we have become refugees.  We moved here in late December of 2012 and have been living here in Yaounde, Cameroon.  I am home educating my sons and have found it such a blessing to be near the resources here! 

Kay, you are a warm, loving and joyful woman of God and you can easily see that you love Christ and love children!  Thanks for sharing your gifts with all of us.  The stories, music, crafts and fun that we enjoy each Friday are the highlight of our home schooling week!!       God bless you abundantly!!   Shelly, for the boys too

Gaston and Shelly Kingue Family. Gaston was supervising some remodeling of the Bible Translation Center in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic. Since unrest developed in that country, the family now lives in Yaounde, where Gaston continues to work in construction.  Shelly cares for and teaches their two boys, Nathaniel (6) and Jonathan (5).