Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Amazing Grace and Protection from Falling Tree

I praise God for His AMAZING GRACE and PROTECTION from this tree whose branches landed exactly where I had stood less than 30 seconds earlier.                                      

On Monday evening July 9, three of us ladies had returned from town around 7 PM and just before this termite ridden tree fell where we had been. Compound guards said Mary Santos' car was less than two minutes out the gate. 

I had paused to speak to my next door neighbor, Mary Beavon, and then walked to my front door, approximately 20 steps. The screen door was open, door still locked...WHOOSH! The branches landed in front of my apartment. 

Some of  these round things pelted me and the rest landed around my door. I gathered them up as a reminder of God’s protection. We are SO GRATEFUL this happened at night – this is the road between missionary apartments where many young children daily play. 

The night guard said "We have seen God today. He is good".

Neighbor, Rodney Ballard, who took the daylight photo, commented that there must have been guardian angels holding up the tree for us to get out of the way. I believe it! God has more work for us to do in serving Him.