Sunday, February 5, 2017

January 2017

On January 13th it was my privilege to serve as Middle School Chapel speaker at Faith International Academy. I shared my testimony, “Joy Is a Choice” that includes lessons learned / strategies for crashing one’s own “pity parties” after heart breaking loss…such as death of parents early in life. I added an uplifting technique for dealing with everyday challenges. I find it helpful to have some of my life scriptures in my cell phone for easy and quick reference – as a “contact”: B (for Bible) – reference and key word, verse written out in the “notes” section.


 Shopping for shirts for my new "David" puppet for the Philippines. 

On Friday, January 13th, I introduced my new “David” for the Philippines during a literature enrichment session.

David came back later in January to help celebrate the "100th Day of School" at Faith International Academy 2016-2017...sporting along with me the school uniform shirt. Students enjoyed answering David's school riddles.


A meaningful part of January was January 16-22  when I joined with fellow worshipers at Christ Fellowship Church for a week of prayer and fasting.

We took this time to think about specific prayer items we felt led to focus on during the fast - breakthroughs we wanted to see in our our life, relatives we want to come to a personal relationship with Christ, etc.  We were reminded that fasting is a denial of one's self so the Lord may reveal His will  and magnificent way in our life and church. Pastor Dr. Richard Guion shared three partial fast options. All were expected to abstain from social media during the week - Facebook, television, etc. 

I choose the no meat option with healthy snacks, but felt God prompting me to also eliminate desserts, coffee, tea, and sodas. The discipline for all this was refreshing and strengthening.

    January 29: I enjoyed being a comfy pillow for precious little Timothy during Esther Care Group at Christ Fellowship Church Davao...with no grandchildren or great grandchildren of my own.

Progress with Health Issues

I'm THANKFUL to have finally found an affordable recumbent stationary exercise bicycle, which aids mobility. I have used it every day since getting it in later January. 

 There were several kinds of medical tests this month. I am working hard on losing weight as pre-diabetes to diabetes and cancer return prevention. 

During the first full week of February I am scheduled for three orthopedic rehap physical therapy sessions following an evaluation referral that led to lumbar x-rays. I am grateful for the opportunity for learning home exercises for my back rather than endure pain, chalking it up to aging and past injuries.

Thanks for your prayers as I endeavor to be proactive and strengthen my health for longer stronger service.