Sunday, February 22, 2009

Praise Report: House for Me in Yamoussoukro

PTL! An answer to prayer: Africa Regional Coordinators Sherman and Kay Critser were hoping to secure a small house for me between theirs and house of missionaries Larry and LeAnn Sellers.

Communications from Kay Critser in late January:

"Your house is waiting on you, girl!"

"There is someone living in that house right now, but he'll be out when you get here! He has a year's contract! I won't be able to send pictures yet.... The owner of the home wants you to live in it!..."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Boot Camp for Personal Support Raising

Boot Camp for Personal Support Raising is an intense two day training seminar to help Christian workers get to their ministry assignment quickly and fully funded. Participants prepare extensively (24+ hours) and the seminar leader helps us to apply the tools and principles learned during preparation. (

I am thankful for the opportunity to attend the Boot Camp in Hendersonville TN (just north of Nashville) February 9-10. Included were:
1. The Biblical Basis of Support Raising
2. Gaining Perspective on Support Raising
3. Planning and Preparation for Support Raising
4. The Phone Call, Appointment, and Follow Up
5. Maintenance and Cultivation of Your Support Team

The Boot Camp was extremely motivating and stretching, some challenging paradigms to grapple with.

My first practical and very helpful application came today in my first weekly meeting with local accountability partner, May Bartels. We discussed strategy, specific goals and potential contacts for the next few weeks, how to prune my overcrowded calendar, review of an adapted weekly report accountability worksheet, a number of praise reports, and of course we prayed together. What a blessing process this will be.

(In photo, I'm on the stairs in bright fuchsia + purple print.)