Joy Journey

NOTE: My deepest heartfelt desire in sharing my personal stories, perspectives, and resources helpful to me -  is to encourage others experiencing trials and point them to the source of strength and courage - God and His precious, life-giving Word.

The  "A Rejoicing Spirit" devotional below published  in 2005 is a shortened version of my "Joy Is A Choice" testimony story and lessons learned when and after I became an orphan on Christmas morning 1974.
Numerous times in the past 43 years I have chosen joy during challenging circumstances in obedience to scriptures and as the best practical strategy for dealing with life.

As I  approached Christmas 2017, again I was in a personal situation where choosing joy is THE very best way to deal with and ultimately triumph over life's circumstances.

On December 16, I had a ultrasound guided needle core biopsy...the third breast biopsy in less than six months for a suspicious abnormality. An ultrasound the week before showed a new solid mass with ragged edges. I was told that the ragged edge is characteristic of a reoccurrence (cancer)...or it  could be just part of  the scar tissue  - of which I am very aware. I would not get biopsy results until at least several days after Christmas.  

Meanwhile, I know what I must to do - CHOOSE JOY. But that is so much easier said that done. I  strongly agree with Henri Nowen - “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” 

On this page I have shared (and plan to share more) scriptures, quotes, song links, and other resources that are are helping me to daily choose joy.

One thing of which I am absolutely certain is the promise given to us: 





Encouraging Music 

Blessings - Laura Story 

Sometimes He Calms the Storm - Scott Krippayne

Through It All Andrae Crouch


Fight Back with Joy: Celebrate More. Regret Less. Stare Down Your Greatest Fears.  Margaret Feinberg. 2015.Available in paperback, workbook, Kindle (free software for PC), audiobook, audio CD.

       When Margaret Feinberg learned she had cancer, she knew she would need great strength to overcome it. She believed the weapon she selected for the battle would change everything. She decided that weapon would be joy.

Joy is more than a whimsy. It's the weapon you can use to fight life's greatest battles.

 Through months of treatment, questions, and hopes, Margaret discovered that joy is a far more dynamic force than most of us realize. It has the power to reignite our passion for laughter and celebration. 
       It can free us to rise above endless demands as we become more content and thankful. It can change unchangeable circumstances and bring a peace rooted in the remarkable love of God.
       Here Margaret shares her journey of using joy to fight back fear, regret, and pain. Whatever you face today, discover with Margaret how to embrace a way of living that's deeper and fuller than you've ever known--a life radiant with joy.





I saw an oncology surgeon after receiving the written report. He wants to monitor the mass carefully, another ultrasound in three months, maybe another biopsy in six months. 

I praise God there is no cancer, but I can not fully relax, not completely out of the woods.  I choose to be even more diligent in cancer.prevention actions. Have greatly cut back on sugar (bah humbug!), am exercising more to lose weight. Have lost a few pounds already, even during the long holiday season here (-ber months).  

Reading about prevention, particularly of reoccurrence.  Just got on Kindle the book - Take Breast Cancer off Your Menu: How to Prevent Breast Cancer or Stop it Returning. New Evidence Reveals Amazing Protector Foods, Glickman. Will carefully read rather than scan as before several other cancer prevention Kindle books I already had. I welcome hearing of special natural ways to prevent breast cancer return.

Romans 8:28 - 2018 will be a very health conscious year for me and I will choose joy as I eat more fruits, veggies, exercise more, etc. Having a housemate on a strict healthy diet arrive in January will be a good support and I praise God for the Christmas gift of a Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Fitness Activity Tracker Wristband from a young Korean teacher friend is a real blessing.  God has my back! 

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