Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fork in the Road

It is with heavy, but yet expectant heart I share that Global Missions informed me that my current assignment as a missionary apprentice to Cote d’Ivoire has been withdrawn due to lack of funding.

I want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for the many prayers, the donations and Living Link commitments, the various expressions of support and encouragement during the fund raising process. My life is far richer because of the many new and strengthened relationships along this journey. God is working good through those relationships, and I know that will continue. Mutual support and encouragement in ministry are powerful.

Let me stress that is not the end of the road, only a fork in the road of my journey in missions. I strongly believe that the Global Missions journey thus far is only part of a bigger journey. Romans 8:28. It is my conviction that God has something else for me - other doors in educational missions He will open that could not have been reached if I had not taken this journey thus far. God cannot drive a parked car. I'm being tested on my faithfulness, obedience, and perseverance.

God put on my heart that He has blessed me so I can be a blessing to other missionaries working to raise support by encouraging folks to transfer support. God also told me to take action on that and I have – last week making a personal contribution to Dave and Bonnie Baylor’s and also Ernie and Lori Nicholas’ start-up funds -- all missionary apprentices preparing for assignments in Africa. May I please encourage you to also contribute, or even better- become a Living Link partner as God directs you? It is a joy and privilege to be a “sender!”

I am embracing the role of a mobilizer, of being instrumental in sending others. Two supportive mobilizer opportunities start in January: I have accepted an invitation to a grading supervisor as well as a grader of weekly reviews for the Spring 2010 Titusville FL class of “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”. This is an awesome 15-week course in over 200 locations in the USA plus worldwide.  I also plan to go back to helping periodically with the library at H.E.A.R.T. (Hunger Education and Resource Training) Institute in Lake Wales which prepares people to serve in third world countries.

Donors and Living Link partners have been sent two letters regarding the withdrawal of my assignment. I want each person/church to respond as you sense God directing you. My earnest prayer is that donors/Living Links will transfer both donations and pledges to long-term missionary apprentices Dave and Bonnie Baylor (commissioned with me 18 months ago; profile; website) to help enable them to go to Africa early 2010. I desire for my many miles, emails, phone calls and letters to be fruitful for kingdom building via church leadership development in Africa, therein be multiplied.

       (DONORS: Be aware that the option to have your funds remain in a Global Missions account for me to go to IBAO / West African Bible Institute for a short term trip in 2010 is proving not to be realistic. I appreciate that option offered, but my potential 3-week blocks of time off do not coincide with the schedule of IBAO modules for me to teach.
       12/11: Just became aware of "possibilities" for short-term work in Kenya and Malawi. However, after prayer on my knees asking God for discernment and help to "keep the main thing the main thing" (kingdom building), reminding myself it's not about me....God reminded me He had already given me perspective and instruction that night  before Thanksgiving when I came to a point of peace and acceptance of the possibility that my C.I. assignment might not come to fruition. I told my accountability partner, "If my assignment falls through, I definitely will encourage folks to transfer my support to Baylors, who are ready to go, but for sufficient funding. "
       I had the repeated thought that my funds being used to help to send other missionaries long-range would have more kingdom impact than me going to Africa for a few weeks in 2010.  I asked the Global Missions Africa Regional Coordinator to think big picture and be candid as RC,... in these tough economic times, what would be better use of kingdom dollars - getting Baylors...for long-term service in Kenya OR my service short-term. He replied, "I think there would be greater value for the overall mission effort if you would just give the funds that are not requested by donors to the Baylors. We truly need them at KIST as soon as possible." He also said "You are valued.... God just has other plans for you. Trust Him and see what will happen.
       Donors and Living Links - Please contact the Global Missions office by December 22, 2009. Again, my prayer is that donors/Living Link partners transfer both donations and pledges to long-term missionary apprentices Dave and Bonnie Baylor or to whoever God directs you. It is genuinely my privilege and honor to be instrumental in helping get much needed missionaries to the field.

Full steam ahead with my serving as a mobilizer right now... Baylors, Nicholas, (God is giving me ideas of various ways to support both) Perspectives, H.E.A.R.T.  

Thank you for being a part of this very exciting continuing journey! I welcome questions, feedback, and suggestions.