Thursday, May 20, 2010

Titusville Spring Perspectives Class Wraps Up

It has been my privilege to serve the Titusville Florida Spring 2010 "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" class as Grading Supervisor. We met Sunday evenings, January 10 - May 9 (with two break weeks) @ Indian River City United Methodist Church in Titusville. The photo above includes students and Coordinating Team members at our last evening multicultural dinner celebration with testimonies and graduation. It was a precious time of worship, sharing, and praying for one another.

Perspectives teaches the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of fulfilling the Great Commission. “Perspectives is a dynamic, engaging and thorough look at the state of world evangelization today. For any person who wonders where they may fit into God's plan for reaching the unreached, taking this course will give them insight to God's heart for the world and how they can and should get involved.” -Scott Graves, Pioneer Bible Translators

In 15 lessons, we engaged with a range of dynamic speakers from these missions organizations & more: New Tribes Mission, Walk Through the Bible, Unveiling Glory, YWAM Frontier Missions, Latin American Missions, Globe Serv, Intl. Orality Network, Jesus to Muslims, Fountain of Life, Wycliffe Bible Translators, New Mission Systems, Air Mobile Ministries.

Students in this Titusville class included among others: a high school senior taking the class for college credit, preparing to be a 3rd generation missionary and her mother who ministered in Panama during several weeks of the class; two ladies took class for college and graduate credit. Certificate students included a retired medical doctor and wife who are very supportive of missions, several missions committee chairpersons/members, a former English teacher to Japan, and others. Various students and CT members have already served in different parts of the world and some have plans to serve abroad this summer or sooner in Haiti and Nicaragua. Join us in praying for Kathleen Willey Peterson and daughter Anna who are currently on a short-term trip in Panama. Heather Trapp, graduate student, wrote on Facebook: "What a great experience!!! Tons of work but SO worth it. It has forever changed the way that I look at the world, and missions. Thanks be to God!"

It is an honor and privilege to work with such a program that is designed to equip and mobilize Christians to contribute their own abilities in their own strategic places of service to advance the Kingdom, whether locally, nationally or internationally.

I have been asked to also serve as Grading Supervisor of the Satellite Beach FL class this fall and mention has been made of my working with the Spring 2011 Orlando class (contingent on ramifications a full-time missions situation I am exploring).

Perspectives is about learning how to use your skills and passions to glorify God in all the earth – no matter your location or vocation. The course can be taken online. I challenge you to prayerfully consider it…go to