Sunday, January 9, 2011

Approved as a candidate for Wycliffe membership

A long awaited announcement came to me December 20 via email & phone only hours before my international guests arrived for 10 days. My application had been processed and I was approved as a candidate for membership with Wycliffe Bible Translators. A prefield administrator is working with me to identify a strategic service assignment (1st assignment in Africa) and to develop a comprehensive preparation plan. Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

It was a privilege to welcome into my little condo 16 people between December 20-31st...1, 2, 3, or 13 each of those days. What a great experience to host two of the 75 students that came from around the country to Orlando area for 10 days via International Friendship Ministry. If you live in the Orlando area, please let me share more details.

Christmas Dinner. Great fellowship and much delicious food thanks to teamwork. It was a real joy to welcome old friends, new friends, my cousin Sterling + neighbors to take photos.

Via International Friendship Ministry I hosted two ladies Dec. 20-29. Xiaoping/Belinda (in red above) and Jia/Joy came from South Carolina colleges where they did studies, observation/teaching. At different China universities, Belinda teaches English; Joy teaches Human Resource Management. 

In the photos above, Belinda and Joy decorate a Christmas tree for the first time in my condo; we toured T-Rex Restaurant and other parts of Downtown Disney quickly in rather cold windy weather before and after eating @ Rainforest Cafe; time flew and it was time for "good-bye" before Joy and Belinda headed back to Columbia, South Carolina on IFM bus. We are staying in touch.

Christmas Eve IFM Orlando Tour 2010 Conference. Chinese students (many) sing “Silent Night” in their language, then assist Japanese students (few) in singing it in their language. Overview of Creation, Christmas, and Easter was presented – some students’ first time to hear this. I am grateful for the opportunity to put two Muslim students from Iraq asking great questions in touch with Dr. Steven Masood of Jesus to Muslims.

We had Christmas Eve Dinner at home of IFM hosts Wayne and Bonita Slaymaker. Their guest Rachael Tan is from Australia. The Slaymakers introduced me to ministry with international students; they have hosted over 70 students in 22 years.  We host families have potential to make an impact on university students’ life for eternity by reflecting Christ’s love to them and sharing our faith as opportunities arise.

After Christmas Eve dinner, the six of us drove around several parts of Orlando singing Christmas Eve - taking in the lights. Finally that evening, we Christmas caroled and had fellowship at the home of IFM host family Terry/Delores Radice, Christina and their Korean students.

Part of the International Friendship Ministry program is to share our some of our Christmas traditions with students; also fascinating to learn how guests celebrate their native holidays. It was fun to wrap practical little items for Christmas stockings; I shared memories of the how much Grandpa and Grandma Snowden appreciated their stocking from a church family in Winchester KY and how  my Children's Church youngsters for many years made things for shut-ins' stockings. It thrilled my heart to see how excited and grateful Joy and Belinda were to receive a personal size Life Application Bible.