Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wycliffe Bible Translators - EQUIP Training

It was recently my privilege to receive 8 weeks of great training and orientation.
Online Equip  Feb. 14 - March 26, 2011: Six weeks of online orientation to the Wycliffe Bible Translators organization and training on roles, responsibilities, and team building. 

Onsite Equip at Wycliffe USA    April 2-15, 2011: Two weeks of onsite training and orientation included:
New Member Training: Biblical Basis, Bible Translation Process, Language Work, Support Roles, Partnership Development, Spiritual Warfare, Moral Conduct Code, Resilience, Issues of Transition, Children/MK & Family Issues, Modules, 10/16 Talks, Cause/Call/Challenge, Building Relationships, Attitude of Gratitude, Advocates & Church Relations, Planning/Maintaining Margin, Phone Calls, Appointments, Record Keeping, Newsletters, Email/Blogs, Websites/Facebook Portfolios/Literature, Employment Requirements, Money Matters and more.

 Intro to group using an object. Using a watering can I share of my nurturing school librarian assignment in Yaounde, Cameroon. I am preparing to support Bible translation by helping to meet educational needs of Central Africa missionary children. The Education Resource Center serves students of the Field Education System (home schooled, village based families) program and Parent Run School.

Introductions during EnterMission, Wycliffe weekly chapel service
Sharing my story during  EnterMission
 Listening to awesome stories of God’s guidance 
and provision from George Cowan, Wycliffe pioneer
The "People Chain" illustrating the many support roles needed for Bible translation.
Banana  phones - practice calling to request appointment.