Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Visits in Kentucky & Tennessee

Yesterday I returned from visits with family and friends in Kentucky and Tennessee.

September 17th was a reunion marking 40 years for my graduating class at George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester, Kentucky. It was great to see former classmates and hear about their careers, grandchildren, and activities.

This was my annual trip to visit Watts family members in Kentucky & Tennessee + sister from Ohio.  I enjoyed worshiping with several family members in their home churches, having dinner @ Cracker Barrel with some, and conversations with some cousins who couldn’t make the dinner.  I got to visit with a nephew I had not seen in 10+ years (army in Alaska & Iraq) & his 9-year-old daughter I last saw as a baby. It was great to just hang out  several days with my two sisters. I cherish the time spent with each family member I was able to contact. There was much shared laughter, some tears remembering a recently departed one, and a number of prayers together. My target departure of summer 2012 is not far off…thank God for cell phones, email, Facebook, & Skype!

I also cherish visiting my home church in Winchester, seeing old friends & new ones. I appreciate the opportunity to join in the Women’s Ministry meeting and lead in prayer Sunday morning.