Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wycliffe’s Annual World Day of Prayer

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6

Wycliffe’s World Day of Prayer was November 11 intended for all Wycliffe USA staff working and/or living in the U.S. It was held at the Discovery center in Orlando and was streamed live to other staff around the country. Living only one county away, I decided to go there and participate in person rather than via Internet. So glad I did…a number of helpful contacts / conversations and enriched by broader perspectives from praying through the program notebook with others around the table, including Wycliffe Pioneer George Cowan & daughter Ruth who works in Prayer Ministries department.

“From Start to Finish” we journeyed together in prayer and praise to God for the privilege to partner with Him in the Bible translation process. We
-prayerfully supported Wycliffe colleagues and partners around the world.
-prayed for language projects yet to start, for those underway, and for those nearing the finish line.
-worshiped God and celebrated with those who have the Scripture in their heart language. Topics for prayer included Bibleless People & Language Survey and Development, Impacts of Bible Translation, Creative Strategies in Bible Translation, Celebrate the Finish Line, and more.

Friday was a great day journeying together in worship and in prayer for the task of Bible translation all around the world. Experiencing it in person was a real blessing as I expected it would be.