Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mbingo March Visit

 In the email with with my "January -February WattsLine" attachment, I wrote: 
 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

I pray for God’s grace, peace, and power for whatever trials YOU may be facing and I cherish such prayers myself. ..."

The "trials" I was especially thinking of for myself were some questionable medical symptoms and upcoming testing. 

After examination, my British primary care physician prescribed a mammogram and ultrasound. The Yaounde doctor who administered the ultrasound attempted to be reassuring as I watched the screen, saying several times, "There's nothing big."  I found that comment both comforting and disconcerting. My imagination is a blessing for teaching children, but a curse when it comes to medical issues, especially if there is any remote possibility of cancer. The x-ray reports called for further monitoring, and an anti-inflammatory.

I was advised to consult with a doctor at Mbingo Baptist Hospital, 60 years old and the largest of six hospitals run by the Cameroon Baptist Convention. The hospital is staffed by 15 full time specialty trained physicians, 20 resident physicians, and a support staff of 600. Almost one hundred specialist physicians volunteer at the hospital each year, providing additional specialty services.

Mbingo Baptist Hospital 

Mbingo Baptist Hospital - aerial view

As prior to two surgical breast biopsies in past years and my hysterectomy, I prayed Luke 22:42 regarding cancer potential,  "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but your be done."  I have read, heard of, and experienced many people glorifying God, and leading others to new faith in God via the way they handled illness, injury, or other difficult circumstances. Again, I came to a genuine place of surrender... "not my will, but yours be done"...this time much quicker then in the past. 

On March 20, the first day of spring break, two missionary families and two singles traveled north from Yaounde to get some health issues looked after at Mbingo Baptist Hospital

Dr. Brown's conclusion for my situation: "No evidence of significant breast pathology." He did not call for a biopsy of my 9 mm cyst; the calcifications were not in a worrisome pattern. I was aware of the calcifications and have had a benign cyst before. 

I strongly sense God nudging me to let this be a Romans 8:28 thing. My action plan: further research into anti-breast cancer diet / recommended exercise time to follow diligently to help keep things at "not significant". Such actions will be beneficial in various ways.  I have lost 15 pounds in Cameroon with work (including much of walking / no car) and am pleased to be off regular prescription meds now, but I feel God clearly telling me I can be stronger and healthier for longer service here with still more intentional efforts. 

The two families also had good medical news including the disappearance of a hernia and cancellation of surgery. We declared it a 'holiday' (name for vacation here), relaxed at the guest house facilities up the mountain from the hospital and enjoyed God's beautiful creation. We shared some meals and several evenings of game and snacks...including smores made at the fireplace. I had been wanting to get away from the city (approx. population of 2.5 million) to relax. 

The cute little cottage where Carrie & I stayed overlooked a beautiful valley.

I enjoyed the cottage architecture - all doors and passage ways were arches.

Jann Bradford and I pausing during a 2.5 hour hike
with Carrie Edwards 
up a mountain.
The horses we saw on our hike remind me of
my home 
state, Kentucky.
My photos here do not do justice to the majesty and peaceful beauty of this area.

I praise God for the good conclusion from the third doctor (confirming 'nothing big' from second doc) and prayers for me during this season of medical trials and testing. Continued prayer is appreciated as I research and seek diligence in healthy choices to keep the record good. If anyone would like to share information about breast cancer prevention strategies, please email me -