Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weekend in Bamesso Village Area

It was my privilege to join with Victory Vision Puppet Ministry April 10-12 for children’s ministry in the northwest Bamesso area prior to Vicky and Scott Satre doing a week of Spring Vacation Bible School there.
Visiting Scott & Vicky Satre’s 91-year-old Papa Pastor Tadzong Luc in his home where we were served a meal. He reminds me of my own Grandpa Snowden who preached into his early 90’s.
Hanging out at Pastor Martin Luther Tadjong’s house with his two young sons (left & center) and Destin, son of puppet team leader Silas Nfor.

Saturday afternoon ministry in yard of Poneki Eglise Evangelique du Cameroon.
Holly Emmerich and Praise Nfor lip sync a song with puppets on upper & lower levels of stage…as the crowd of children grows.

Silas Nfor shared the story of the boy Sammuel and invited children to pray with him to receive Christ as their Savior. More than a dozen did…PTL! I welcomed the children into the family of God and encouraged them to attend a Bible teaching church to learn more about Jesus’ plan for their lives. Via a papercut lesson based on Philippians 4:13, I told them Christ would help them stand strong for Him.

Holly Emmerich shared the Bible story of the boy Jesus growing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52) using Jacksons’ “Lessons from Luke” materials - (
After Holly presented the story of the boy Jesus, I shared the meaning of our memory verse Luke 2:52. Monique Um translated my comments and shared the verse in French, inviting the children to repeat in various groups and ways (all, boys/girls, loud/soft, etc.).

Bamesso Eglise Evangelique du Cameroon
Pastor then summarized the lesson and explained the memory verse in the village mother tongue Ngomba to make sure all children understood.
Lesson Review Game: when a child correctly answered a lesson review question, they got to throw a homemade ball at target with points, or choose a teammate to throw if they have already thrown the ball.

Sunday morning children’s teaching team 
with Pastor Martin Luther Tadjong, 
Monique Um (left), Holly Emmerich (right).