Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Announcing: November-December 2016 WattsLine is now posted


 November-December 2016 WattsLine 

   is  now  posted  under

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bi-monthly "WattsLine" via MailChimp. 

Just complete the "Subscribe to WattsLine newsletter" 
form in the upper right blog corner under my photo

Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 2016 in the Philippines

Serving as Elementary Chapel  speaker at Faith International Academy on December 1st. Children opened three packages to find objects representing what Jesus wants for his birthday.

We also dramatized "The Legend of the Poinsettia" which illustrates that a gift (no matter how humble) given with love for Jesus is blessed. 


Faith International Academy 2016 Staff Christmas Party including spouses on December 9th.


OUTREACH MINISTRY: It was a privilege to participate in a Christmas gift giving and party for the the kids at Awhag with the Esther Care Group and Ladies Intercessory groups from Christ Fellowship Church. Following a Gospel presentation, folks received a boxed meal (I spooned a lot of spagehetti into those boxes), children a toy, and each family  a bag of rice and other staples.


After our Christmas Outreach, the Esther Care Group and Ladies Intercessory groups from Christ Fellowship Church enjoyed fellowship and food.

During the last week of school in 2016, I shared children's Christmas literature during 5th Grade Language Arts class rather than start a whole new unit in our regular literature text.

Students enjoyed dramatizing a simple version of The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie De Paola after taking turns reading it together. An upside down desk served as manager and the smallest 5th grade boy as "Baby Jesus."

Among the other stories we also read and discussed:
-How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. I shared "Herod the Grinch." 
-The Night Before Christmas and we each read a parody of this famous poem from the internet, including a Biblical Christmas story poem.
-The Baker's Dozen, A Colonial American Tale by Heather Forest.

My contribution to the 5th grade Christmas party was a popular party food in the Philippines - hot dog and marshmallows on a stick. 


  "Under A Starry Sky" Christmas Musical was presented at Christ Fellowship Church. 
Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus (This is Timothy, the precious
 little one I was holding in a November blog post.)
Adult choir

The daughter in the drama prays for her Mom who
 left temporarily, distracted by materialism.
Children's choir dressed as angels.

On December 23, I attended a beautiful Christmas musical at my church, Christ Fellowship Church Davao with actors, choirs, and dancers of various ages. After the program, I so appreciated the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church leading a prayer for those who wanted to become Christians and also leading a prayer of recommitment to Christ, as characters in the drama had done. I enjoyed seeing several ladies from my care group using their talents for God during this production.

Christmas Day

Thank God for technology ...especially computers, Wi-fi, and Skype. A google search told me the distance from Davao City to Granville, Ohio is 8,711 miles. It was a joy to talk with my two sisters on Christmas morning in the Philippines / Christmas Eve evening for them - 13 hours difference EST. My younger sister told family and friends we had Skyped and I was sweating. TRUE...also had wet hair because partial electricity in my apartment went out while I was in the shower. Oh well, you focus on what's important.

I was blessed to receive invitations to three gatherings with new friends and colleagues on Christmas Day. At one home, we had brunch and a meaningful carols and lighting of candles worship time. Fans blew out several of the candles a couple of times, but you go on.

There was an afternoon potluck open house at the apartment upstairs of a missionary teacher counselor about to change assignments...and a potluck sit-down dinner at another home. 

As a newbie in a faraway land I was grateful for all the good fellowship. Since becoming an orphan on Christmas morning 42 years ago, I have a hunger to be with people on Christmas day...and God supplied beautifully. My hope is that next Christmas I won't be getting over a deep respiratory infection (? walking pneunonia), will know my way around better, and can plan some personal community outreach on Christmas day...have several ideas.


SNEAK PREVIEW: Coming to the Philippines the first week of January to be part of my teaching, literature enrichment sessions, and outreach ministry - a 25-inch puppet who will be my "David" of the Philippines.

UPDATE: I was united my my new "adopted son" on Thursday, January 5th. YEA!!! Watch for a picture of his debut on Facebook, and in my January blog post. David and I want to visit Tebow Cure Hospital, orphanages, and other. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 2016 in the Phillippines

U.S. DEPARTURE and Philippines ARRIVAL

DEPARTURE: At the Columbus, Ohio airport luggage drop with sisters Juanita and Pat. I thank God for my wonderful sisters who helped me prep in so many ways.

ARRIVAL: Thankful for safe arrival in Davoa City, Philippines on Friday (very late Thursday EST) with all luggage after a delay in Manila because of mechanical difficulties of the plane that was supposed to bring us to Davao.

This welcome care package (snacks) from Faith International Academy awaited my arrival along with fresh fruits in the frig. The Philippines are known for the variety of fruits grown here.

Faith International Academy (FIA)

Storytime with Kindergarten class on International Day at FIA. Introducing “Grandma Gracie,” and explaining common Cameroon custom of wearing matching fabric.

International Day at FIA with my 5th grade Language Arts students. TOP: Saem and Irene from Korea and LOWER: Simeo and his mother from Switzerland with German roots. CENTER: Korean Fan Dance. Fourteen countries’ flags waved as students performed in their traditional costumes and parents served tastes of national dishes. It was a blessing to see our school’s cultures spotlighted and to celebrate country uniqueness.

Grandma Gracie” read a poem about doing THANKSLIVING year around all over the world to Kdg- Grade 5 classes at Faith International Academy during the week of Thanksgiving in the U.S. We discussed the book Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland and the Bible story, ‘The Man Who Said “Thank You”’, from Luke 17:11-19. Copies of the poem are still available to students, staff, and parents at the circulation desk.

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;

Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;

Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.    Author Unknown

My 5th grade Language Arts class with ELL (English Language Learners) students. Since “grasshopper” was a compound spelling word during my first week as Language Arts teacher, my large hopper puppet came to class…much to the delight of the students. My 5th graders are not camera shy.
Library “Scavenger Hunt”. I challenged my 5th graders to see how many Christmas books they could find in the Elementary & Middle School Library. They received one point for each book tagged with a fluorescent green strip on the lower spine and two points for each Christmas book located that was not tagged  - earning a combined 171 points. Christmas books are being displayed on the top of shelves near where normally found. This Scavenger Hunt has benefited the library by discovering Christmas books that needed to be tagged and has made life easier for students, teachers, parents, and especially this librarian. So proud of and thankful for my students’ energetic hard work.

Lunch at Chow King with apartment mate Julie, who teaches grades 3 & 4. We shared unique dessert halo halo. I greatly appreciate Julie going shopping with me and explaining the details of jeepneys and taxis.

THANKS to teachers Amy and Eric Seidlitz for inviting me to join your family for dinner and games Thanksgiving evening. It is enjoyable to learn about others’ journeys to the field, theirs and children’s special interests. I also appreciate the hospitality of other school and SIL staff have hosted me for a meal during my first month in the Philippines.


After visiting three Davao City churches, I choose to attend Christ Fellowship Church Davao (https://www.facebook.com/cfcofdavao/) regularly.  TOP: I love the blend of contemporary music with traditional hymns. On 11/27, my heart and soul was touched by an old favorite, “How Great Thou Art.”  LEFT: A significant factor in my choice of this church is the Care Groups after the English worship service where we discuss reactions and applications to the sermon and pray for one another.  It is important to me to fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters outside of the school where I serve. I look forward to outreach in the community. RIGHT: Having no grandchildren or great grandchildren, I enjoy “borrowing” one for a little while periodically.  This is Timothy, whose grandmother is seated on my right, and mother on my left. 

 FAST FOOD chain restaurants abound in the Philippines (I saw none in Cameroon, although I sure enjoyed some street vendors).  LEFT: I was excited to see pictures of the Col. at KFC, being from Kentucky. RIGHT: Jollibee is a major Philippine hamburger chain, and  this is the mascot (similar to Ronald McDonald).  White rice has been a part of many meal deals and is available at every school lunch at Faith Academy.

 A popular and economical form of public transportation around town is the jeepney. Depending on their size, jeepneys carry approximately 11-21 passengers, lined up facing one another and maybe two beside the driver. 
This is a nice trike, a cab with two back wheels built on a motorcycle front, that a friend and I hired en route to a mall. Also economical and breezy. 
COMING: To serve as Elementary Chapel speaker on December 1

Friday, October 28, 2016

Fall Special Edition #2 - NEED to Depart Next Week for Philippines

To help me get to the Philippines next week:
YOU are invited to monthly PARTNER FINANCIALLY
Online: http://www.wycliffe.org/Partnership.aspx?mid=388993

OR…send checks to:   Wycliffe Bible Translators,   PO Box 628200 ,   Orlando FL 32862-8200.   Attach a separate note saying: “preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Kay Watts”   (if using this method, please call or email me, so I can count it quickly). 

Thank you again for prayerfully considering joining my Wycliffe team.

Blessings, Kay Watts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall Special Mailing #1 - to the Philippine Departure Finish Line

Sent via email on Tuesday, 10/15/2016 to WattsLine mailing list. (You are welcome to Subscribe to WattsLine newsletter mailing list in the while block of right column.)

NOTE: Track the countdown to the finish line in the upper right corner of this blog, under the airplaine graphic.

TO Help me cross the finish line:

Online: http://www.wycliffe.org/Partnership.aspx?mid=388993

OR…send checks to:   Wycliffe Bible Translators,   PO Box 628200 ,   Orlando FL 32862-8200
 Attach a separate note saying: preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Kay Watts”
(if using this method, please call or email me, so I can count it quicker) 
I praise God for His faithfulness as He continues to build my Wycliffe team and has brought along new partners and increased giving.  Will you allow Him to use you and your resources?
I would be honored to have you become part of my prayer and provision team! Thank you for prayerfully consider joining our team to reach the Bibleless.

THANK YOU for your gifts and PRAYERS!  They are greatly appreciated.
In His service, Kay Watts

Thursday, October 6, 2016


 Early October 2016 WattsLine 

   is  now  posted  under

YOU are invited to subscribe for email delivery of the
bi-monthly "WattsLine" via MailChimp. 

Just complete the "Subscribe to WattsLine newsletter" 
form in the upper right blog corner under my photo

Friday, September 30, 2016

September 2016 Summary

It was such an inspiration and blessing to have Dustee Hullinger (lady in middle) share her therapeutic art ministry, Gifted Hands (giftedhandsnyc.org), which reaches the marginalized in NYC on September 1 in Newark, Ohio. I enjoyed volunteering at The Courage House last summer during furlough in the art outreach ministry that NewarkNaz Woven Women patterned after Gifted Hands. Hope to help develop such a ministry elsewhere.

2016 Watts Family Reunion in Winchester, Kentucky on September 5. Such a joy to see lots of cousins, their spouses, and children!

While in Florida, God blessed me with unexpected opportunities to meet and learn from persons who have lived in the Philippines. In Titusville I was lunch guest of Patty (served 25 years as missionary in Philippines) and her husband. In this Orlando pic, I was dinner guest of Dan (grew up in the Philippines) and Pat, who are scheduled to move there this fall to serve with a Christian organization.


 A meaningful part of being a missionary and partnership development is communicating with prayer and financial partners, praying for their concerns, AND visiting, learning about their families and hobbies as schedules allow. I had a very enjoyable visit with Dr. Wyck and Anita in east Florida, learning of his interest in astronomy, seeing his huge telescope (at top of stairs), and receiving a photo of a rising full Moon (made with that standard Nikon D50 DSLR camera on a 90mm x f/13.3 = 1200mm focal length Schmidt-Maksutov telescope).  Fascinating view of God’s creation! 

A very enjoyable Library Staff Potluck was shared and presentation given. There was shop talk and catching up on changing lives.

Friends Community Church interview PowerPoint presentation and BBQ in the park took place September 25. So good to visit with long time friends and make new friends.

THANK YOU, Delores, for your gracious (and delicious) hospitality! It was great catching with you, Terry, and  daughter Christina, and hearing many wonderful things about the Philippines.  Wonderful evening of fellowship and sharing...your Italy photos (Terry you would make a great tour guide!), PowerPoint of my coming educational missions in Davao, and beautiful singing from your college daughter and friends (would love to have heard more!).

My long time Orlando children's ministry assistant and visitation partner, Marsha, and I had the privilege of visiting a dear senior saint at Life Care Center of Altamonte Springs. It was a joy and inspiration to visit Helen, leader in women's ministry and missions support for many decades. Marsha said her jaw dropped and her face lit up when she saw and heard me. I had visited this facility many times in past years - once with our children's church group and often with "Peter Rabbit."  

Of course not all went smoothly...I dealt with frustrating internet connectivity issues, got a wrong Toshiba technical service, and now feel I need to reboot my laptop back to factory status to be sure. Thankful for Wycliffe IT for doing scans and my older sister who will do the rebooting. Sticky keys are annoying. Bronchitis snuck up on me in Florida; grateful for Wycliffe Clinic doctor ordering an antibiotic...on the mend. The beat goes on.

VISA arrival PRAISE REPORT: Inside my returned new passport was the visa entitling me to entry into the Philippines. It awaited me when I returned September 27 to Ohio from Florida after two plus weeks of visits, sharing about my new Wycliffe ministry assignment, and good-byes to Florida friends.

Finally! I had to wait over a year to get a new eyeglass prescription...and on September 30, I was able to select frames. Expecting to get them back in approx. two weeks.
 I thank God for seeing me through several types of eye surgeries this year and praise Him that I am moving forward.

The BIG question I am constantly being asked is "When do you leave?" (i.e., for the Philippines?)
Now that my visa has arrived, my answer is: "I will be able to depart for the Philippines when I have 100% of the budget Wycliffe has set for my ministry in the Philippines."
I am eager to help fill a great need there, and YOU can help make that happen. Progress toward my budget goal was made during my September time in Florida. I now need LESS than $400 a month to be released for departure (I plan to post a specific count down in the RIGHT column of this blog soon). 
YOU can help move the count down and support me as I support Bible translation and other missions in the Philippines by  going to https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/388993 or by calling 1-800-992-5433 Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm EST. My electronic "Invitation to Partner" is at http://kaywattsafrica.blogspot.com/p/invitation-to-partner.html.
Any questions? Please email me at kay_watts@wycliffe.org or call me at 407-967-6381.