Thursday, February 4, 2016

Counting Down to Cameroon Return


The clock is ticking. I have been cleared by my Wycliffe Resource Coordinator to return to my assignment at the Cameroon branch. My visa/passport has been returned  
 from the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Washington, DC.  Airplane tickets have been purchased and arrangements made for airport pickup in Yaounde, Cameroon, by my supervisor, Mrs. Santos.  The Child Safety Refresher Course is completed. Packing and other preparation tasks are underway.

I am scheduled to depart from Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, February 10th, and arrive in my African home base of Yaounde, Cameroon in the evening (Cameroon time) of Thursday, February 11th. YEA!!! I am excited about returning to Cameroon to support Bible translation as a school librarian and serve in several local community ministries.

This trip returning from furlough and cancer medical leave is only for four months until the end of the school year in early June. I praise God that my glaucoma laser eye iridotomy procedures in January went very well. However the eye injection medication needed for my central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) every few months is not reliably available in Cameroon. 

After arrival and getting settled into my service assignment in Cameroon, I will continue working on the Wycliffe Career Guidance Program and will be assigned a Change of Assignment Specialist in preparation for taking a stateside Wycliffe assignment. More partnership development endeavors are called for because stateside missionary budgets are more than foreign based ministry budgets.

Please pray with me for:
~ final preparations for departure
~ safe travels & arrival of all my luggage & contents with me
~ good health and eye sight
~ that I will glorify God and help bring people closer to Him as I support Bible translation as a school librarian, in community outreach ministries ... 
however God wants to use me

~ safety and protection in Cameroon
~ clear guidance for the next season of my life and ministry