Thursday, August 4, 2016

July 2016 Highlights

 Right eye cataract removal took place July 7th at the Eye Center of Columbus, then two post op appointments. I thank God for how fast recovery was and how much my vision in that eye improved.


  Fellowship of Christian Magicians International
July 25-29, 2016: Annual Convention, Nashville TN 

For the first time in several decades, I was privileged to attend the annual convention of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians International ( There were various tracks of workshops: Puppetry / Ventriloquism, Balloon Sculpture, Magic (Illusions), Clowning, Face Painting / Chalk Art,  Drama / Storytelling, and Juggling. 

 This year I attended workshops in Puppetry / Ventriloquism, Face Painting / Chalk Art, and Drama / Storytelling, with an eye on what I might use in the Philippines with teaching missionary kids and in outreach ministry, plus what I might teach older students and missionary parents to help them creatively share the Gospel. 

I have led workshops in the past and was asked during this week to lead in the future.

          SURPRISE  GIFT for FIA: While strolling through the resource sales room and scanning tables, vendor and convention speaker Matt Fore ( happened to ask me where I was from.
          That question is not an easy one for missionaries. I shared -  originally and current stateside address Kentucky, recently returned from serving in Cameroon three years, in midst of eye treatments in Ohio, in transition to serve in the Philippines to support Bible translation and other missions as a school librarian at a missionary school.
           Matt gave me a copy of his book, The Truth Shall Make You Laugh, Funny Stories and Biblical Insights for me to read and to put in the school's library. I asked him to autograph it to Faith International Academy and he gladly obliged. Thanks Matt! (Glad I gave my long-winded version answer to this common international convention question!)


July 29: Celebration of Life - Uncle, Jessie Lee Watts
On this Friday we honored the life of my dad's youngest brother, Jessie Lee Watts (86), the last of ten children to pass. Uncle Jess will always be remembered as a family man and a career military man.

    Above: Watts Family members at the "Celebration of Life," Kentucky Veterans Cemetery West, Hopkinsville KY.
Uncle Jess received full military honors, including a 21-gun salute.

I finally made it to Clarksville TN on July 23, the day before Uncle Jess died. I squeezed his shoulder, said "I love you Uncle Jess." His eyes opened and he mouthed "I love you." This is the only time he recognized me on this visit, but I thank God for this precious moment and memory.


July 30: 45th Reunion - Class of 71 
George Rogers Clark High School, Winchester KY

It was wonderful to reconnect with so many high school classmates.  This is Jennilyn, with whom I worked in the Teens Who Care Club and Winchester Youth Council.  I again expressed appreciation to Bonnie (from my church) who brought to me a potted plant from our freshman homeroom after my father passed unexpectedly in October 1967.


On July 31, it was a joy to visit the congregation in which I grew up, First Church of God of Winchester KY (now on Colby Road), which is a Faith Promise partner in my Wycliffe missions work. So good to talk with their new pastor and his wife, Rev. Allan and Michelle Hutchinson and reconnect with friends through the decades.

Also on July 31, I attended Camargo Camp Meeting in Kentucky, a fond annual experience during my childhood. I was deeply blessed by great Gospel singing, outstanding preaching, and reconnecting with pastors and their wives from years past.