Friday, October 28, 2016

Fall Special Edition #2 - NEED to Depart Next Week for Philippines

To help me get to the Philippines next week:
YOU are invited to monthly PARTNER FINANCIALLY

OR…send checks to:   Wycliffe Bible Translators,   PO Box 628200 ,   Orlando FL 32862-8200.   Attach a separate note saying: “preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Kay Watts”   (if using this method, please call or email me, so I can count it quickly). 

Thank you again for prayerfully considering joining my Wycliffe team.

Blessings, Kay Watts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall Special Mailing #1 - to the Philippine Departure Finish Line

Sent via email on Tuesday, 10/15/2016 to WattsLine mailing list. (You are welcome to Subscribe to WattsLine newsletter mailing list in the while block of right column.)

NOTE: Track the countdown to the finish line in the upper right corner of this blog, under the airplaine graphic.

TO Help me cross the finish line:


OR…send checks to:   Wycliffe Bible Translators,   PO Box 628200 ,   Orlando FL 32862-8200
 Attach a separate note saying: preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Kay Watts”
(if using this method, please call or email me, so I can count it quicker) 
I praise God for His faithfulness as He continues to build my Wycliffe team and has brought along new partners and increased giving.  Will you allow Him to use you and your resources?
I would be honored to have you become part of my prayer and provision team! Thank you for prayerfully consider joining our team to reach the Bibleless.

THANK YOU for your gifts and PRAYERS!  They are greatly appreciated.
In His service, Kay Watts

Thursday, October 6, 2016


 Early October 2016 WattsLine 

   is  now  posted  under

YOU are invited to subscribe for email delivery of the
bi-monthly "WattsLine" via MailChimp. 

Just complete the "Subscribe to WattsLine newsletter" 
form in the upper right blog corner under my photo