Monday, November 28, 2016

November 2016 in the Phillippines

U.S. DEPARTURE and Philippines ARRIVAL

DEPARTURE: At the Columbus, Ohio airport luggage drop with sisters Juanita and Pat. I thank God for my wonderful sisters who helped me prep in so many ways.

ARRIVAL: Thankful for safe arrival in Davoa City, Philippines on Friday (very late Thursday EST) with all luggage after a delay in Manila because of mechanical difficulties of the plane that was supposed to bring us to Davao.

This welcome care package (snacks) from Faith International Academy awaited my arrival along with fresh fruits in the frig. The Philippines are known for the variety of fruits grown here.

Faith International Academy (FIA)

Storytime with Kindergarten class on International Day at FIA. Introducing “Grandma Gracie,” and explaining common Cameroon custom of wearing matching fabric.

International Day at FIA with my 5th grade Language Arts students. TOP: Saem and Irene from Korea and LOWER: Simeo and his mother from Switzerland with German roots. CENTER: Korean Fan Dance. Fourteen countries’ flags waved as students performed in their traditional costumes and parents served tastes of national dishes. It was a blessing to see our school’s cultures spotlighted and to celebrate country uniqueness.

Grandma Gracie” read a poem about doing THANKSLIVING year around all over the world to Kdg- Grade 5 classes at Faith International Academy during the week of Thanksgiving in the U.S. We discussed the book Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland and the Bible story, ‘The Man Who Said “Thank You”’, from Luke 17:11-19. Copies of the poem are still available to students, staff, and parents at the circulation desk.

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;

Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;

Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.    Author Unknown

My 5th grade Language Arts class with ELL (English Language Learners) students. Since “grasshopper” was a compound spelling word during my first week as Language Arts teacher, my large hopper puppet came to class…much to the delight of the students. My 5th graders are not camera shy.
Library “Scavenger Hunt”. I challenged my 5th graders to see how many Christmas books they could find in the Elementary & Middle School Library. They received one point for each book tagged with a fluorescent green strip on the lower spine and two points for each Christmas book located that was not tagged  - earning a combined 171 points. Christmas books are being displayed on the top of shelves near where normally found. This Scavenger Hunt has benefited the library by discovering Christmas books that needed to be tagged and has made life easier for students, teachers, parents, and especially this librarian. So proud of and thankful for my students’ energetic hard work.

Lunch at Chow King with apartment mate Julie, who teaches grades 3 & 4. We shared unique dessert halo halo. I greatly appreciate Julie going shopping with me and explaining the details of jeepneys and taxis.

THANKS to teachers Amy and Eric Seidlitz for inviting me to join your family for dinner and games Thanksgiving evening. It is enjoyable to learn about others’ journeys to the field, theirs and children’s special interests. I also appreciate the hospitality of other school and SIL staff have hosted me for a meal during my first month in the Philippines.


After visiting three Davao City churches, I choose to attend Christ Fellowship Church Davao ( regularly.  TOP: I love the blend of contemporary music with traditional hymns. On 11/27, my heart and soul was touched by an old favorite, “How Great Thou Art.”  LEFT: A significant factor in my choice of this church is the Care Groups after the English worship service where we discuss reactions and applications to the sermon and pray for one another.  It is important to me to fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters outside of the school where I serve. I look forward to outreach in the community. RIGHT: Having no grandchildren or great grandchildren, I enjoy “borrowing” one for a little while periodically.  This is Timothy, whose grandmother is seated on my right, and mother on my left. 

 FAST FOOD chain restaurants abound in the Philippines (I saw none in Cameroon, although I sure enjoyed some street vendors).  LEFT: I was excited to see pictures of the Col. at KFC, being from Kentucky. RIGHT: Jollibee is a major Philippine hamburger chain, and  this is the mascot (similar to Ronald McDonald).  White rice has been a part of many meal deals and is available at every school lunch at Faith Academy.

 A popular and economical form of public transportation around town is the jeepney. Depending on their size, jeepneys carry approximately 11-21 passengers, lined up facing one another and maybe two beside the driver. 
This is a nice trike, a cab with two back wheels built on a motorcycle front, that a friend and I hired en route to a mall. Also economical and breezy. 
COMING: To serve as Elementary Chapel speaker on December 1