Sunday, November 5, 2017

October 2017 Summary

In Their Words -  McCoy Missionary Homeschool Family Attending Storytimes & Checkout Sessions 

"Having Ms. Watts come to Davao is a true answer to our family’s prayers! 

Our homeschooled children love books so much, the public library is always on our To Do List when visiting the US. (Usually on the way home from the airport after 17+ hours of travel!) However, with no libraries in our area, you can imagine the groans and complaints of our children. We have prayed for a solution, and for a source to feed their “literary hunger”. Our 8 year old especially breezes through history pieces and chapter books; keeping up with our avid reader before was impossible! Continually shipping books is way too expensive for a missionary family abroad! 

When Ms. Watts came to Faith Academy, her passion for education and her thoughtfulness of the homeschool families was truly God’s gift! This has made a world of difference!! Our children squeal when they know “Library Day” is upon us, and the only groans we hear are when they have limits on how many to check out! 

Not only that, but Ms. Watts weekly has read, sung, danced and taught my children, along with many others, during Library Time, inspiring them to learn new things and encouraging them in their reading journeys. Having a weekly library group to join was a tremendous answer to prayer, for our children to have outside stimulation and socialization while still being homeschooled. She has patiently built a relationship with my kids, and continues to invest in the homeschool community in Davao. 

Thank you so much for sending Ms. Watts to Davao, and helping answer the prayers of a missionary family!! She is an inspirational person, creative and thorough in this specialized gift that she brings to our area!"  - Mrs. Jenny (& Eric) McCoy, 


Literature Enrichment with "Dorothy"
Students enjoy having "Dorothy" visit their literature enrichment classes to share announcements and to chat with them.


Library Skills Cooperative Reference Game: Boys versus girls. Each team had an atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, Guinness Book of World Records, and a thesaurus. Each team member found a detail in a reference book, and asked the other where to find that information. It's a fun way to interact with reference resources.

3rd Grade Reference Game Teams

4th Grade Reference Game Teams




Puppets "David" and "Dorothy" Attend a Birthday Dinner
Birthday celebrations are such a cherished part of life in the Philippines. These ladies are members of my church's Esther Care Group. I appreciate group members inviting me to two birthday celebrations the first weekend of October. The dinner pictured honored Ate Babes (back row, second from right).

When group members asked if I would participate in karaoke at this birthday celebration, I agreed...only using my puppets that they want me to share at our  upcoming Christmas outreach ministry. (I sing Biblically...I make a "joyful noise.") My little friends and I never got inside to the karaoke machine - "David" and "Dorothy" were having too much fun on the patio with children and the young at heart.

"Dorothy" receives three generations of smiles

Leonila invited me to her granddaughter's "bat barakah." This is a beautiful and heart-warming "Blessing Ceremony and Rite of Passage" into adulthood on the 18th birthday. Eighteen ladies (including Mom & Grandmother) shared memories and spoke blessings on the honoree; of course Dad (our Pastor) had special words of blessings. An awesome celebration and rite of passage!


Chance Meeting with a Chicken

Life is full of surprises and  adventures large and small. What do you do when you see a big chicken coming down the grocery store aisle? Grab your phone camera of course...a "Kodak moment"! This character was in the store promoting free-range chicken products. 


A book that I am being blessed and encouraged by is Age is Just a Number - How to Age Without Growing Old by Harold and Darlene Sala. (ISBN: 9789710096633, OMF Literature Inc.,

During the Esther Care Group Sunday on a recent morning after worship,  I shared a quote that especially spoke to me from this book. Referring to Psalm 71:18 - "Brothers and sisters, this is your job--to declare His power to the next generation. Use whatever years are ahead of you to make sure you have fulfilled your responsibility to those who follow in your footsteps." (page 27)