Saturday, October 6, 2018


 September 2018 WattsLine 

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Monday, October 1, 2018

September 2018 Summary

Magnitude 6.4 Shook Davao Oriental on September 8

"A magnitude 6.4 earthquake jolted Davao Oriental on Saturday afternoon, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. In a bulletin, the agency said that a "tectonic" quake with a magnitude of 6.4 rattled Manay, Davao Oriental at 3.16 p.m. The tremor struck at a depth of 014 kilometers.

The earthquake was felt at Intensity V in Davao City and Mati City, Davao Oriental. Intensity refers to the measurement of shakes produced and felt in an area. According to PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale, Intensity V refers to “strong” shakes, which are generally felt by most people indoors and outdoors. Strong shaking and rocking are likewise felt throughout building."
This was the strongest and longest shaking earthquake I have ever experienced. It was almost "fun" -  reminding me of an amusement park ride. However I could not allow myself to enjoy it because I recognized the potential danger and destruction...there are already small cracks in my bedroom and bathroom walls from previous quakes. I cried out to God for protection for my current country, community, school, and home. That prayer was answered.

City malls were evacuated. My friend/colleague Amy took this photo at Gaisano Mall (that I frequent). Glad she found her teen soon and his friends in the chaos.


Kangaroo Book Club
It was great to welcome more children than ever before to our neighborhood  character building storytime. 

We usually have only the front two table occupied, but we
 were happy to have all these chairs in the back
occupied with these precious young lives.

Benny's Pennies by Pat Brisson  (SHARING -  1 Timothy 6:18 and
Hebrews 13:16 )
Holding The Chick and the Duckling by Mirra Ginsburg  (DON’T COPY BEHAVIOR  
  Romans 12:12a NLT) and Hurry Grannie Annie by Arlene Alda. 
 (JOY IN NATURE - Psalm 65:8) 

The children made a duckling and used much creativity in doing so.

Elementary Chapel @ Faith International Academy

Video: "Jennifer Bricker"
Jennifer born without legs and abandoned at birth, is not 
allowed by her adoptive parents to use the word "can't"
 and goes on to play various sports. She 
discovered that her childhood gymnast
idol is  her biological sister.

Stepping through a piece of cut computer paper 
illustrates  Philippians 4:13

Dramatizing Aesop's fable "The Crow and the Pitcher."

VIDEO SONG: "I Can Do All Things"  Philippians 4:13


FIA  Spirit Week
This is a fun week for all students (1-12) to show their creativity. Students and staff are invited to dress up for each day's theme and participate in special all-school team games during merienda. This builds unity and cooperation in our school community. Via money jars, we raise money for a local orphanage.  (More pictures will be displayed as/if they become available. I should have carried my phone for photos.)

Monday, Team Colors - KW: YELLOW

Tuesday,  Zoo Day - KW: Gorilla (full head mask found on sale, everything else covered in black) carrying stuffed furry baby gorilla

Wednesday - Fashionista or Fashion Disaster - KW: Fashion Disaster. I tried to get my hair to stand up all over, but it did not cooperate...humidity, not enough or the right kind of product. 

Thursday - Fictional Character - KW: Good Night, Gorilla - added set of colorful keys from baby department

Friday - Weather / Nature - KW: Butterfly wings and antennas carrying toy caterpillar...before and after


Community Service Club
I was asked by Mr. Lee, FIA's High School Korean culture teacher to train students (grades 10 and 12) to share children's picture books at a local public elementary school.
Our first day, with school administrators, on our way to a
classroom to share "The Little Red Hen" which teaches work ethic

During our second visit, FIA  high school students presented "Green Eggs
and Ham" and teaches us to try new foods and other things.