Saturday, November 3, 2018

Announcing: October 2018 WattsLine is now posted


 October 2018 WattsLine 

  is  now  posted  under

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

October 2018 Summary

October got off to a sluggish start with missing four and a half days of school with an upper respiratory infection. Grateful that fall break the second week of October yielded extra time for rest (and finishing report card library grades for Gr. 1-5).   

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Kangaroo Book Club
Dramatizing The Turnip by Harriet Ziefert with props. I commented
 on the value of teamwork and shared Eccles. 4:9 - "Two are
 better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor."
Multiplication: Una (orange shirt behind me), a sixth grade
 student who attended and participated plus KBC sponsor
 Mrs. Bae, later used the same props to share this 
story in two different elementary schools. 

Children made a hedgehog craft following Hedgie's Surprise by
 Jan Brett. This story also demonstrates teamwork and friendship.
A favorite story from Cameroon and Florida
 storytimes  I shared this day was
 Who Took the Farmer's Hat? by Joan Nodset.
This story  IMHO beautifully
 illustrates Philippians 2:4 -
 "Let each of you  look not only to his
own interests, but also
to the interests of others."

"Dorothy" participated in The Turnip,
then waited to give children "high fives" as they left.

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On October 26, eight Faith International Academy high school students prepared for future storytimes at Wireless Elementary.  I ran through several stories explaining potential strategies for presenting each title with props/puppets/audience interaction. These students chose stories, practiced, and shared with CSC. I took notes of possible small ways to tweak, shared with the presenters. I am impressed (ok...envious!) with how fast these teens memorize story line.
 "My Friend and I"
"The Tortoise and the Hare"

"The Chick and the Duckling" by Mirra Ginsburg

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Grade 2 - Library Magazines Session

Showing two magazines from Focus on the Family that arrived
earlier that week - Club House and Jr. Club House

I had students tell me how the 8th command "Do not steal"
 and the Golden Rule found in Matthew 7:12 - Treat others
 how you want to be treated
apply to library magazines. 
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Preschool / Homeschool Storytime
Musical instrument parade around library 
before storytime. Several youngsters are
 hidden behind me in this photo. We have 
had alphabet and color themes in the past; 
this school year we are doing animal themes, 
started with farm animals.
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KBC Seminar Planning

Kangaroo Book Club Ministry sponsors hosted teacher / elementary team leader and me to a dinner planning meeting at their home. Marla and I will be the speakers for the second annual Reading and storytelling workshop for local public school teachers in November.

Delicious dinner: Bibimbap = mixed rice (bowl of white rice topped with thin
 slices of mixed up fried egg, onions, fried kimchi, seaweed, other
veggies, soy sauce) + pork dumplings and mango.

Our hosts graciously shared Korean snacks (center plate) from their recent
care package box....some sweet, some salty. Jae told us of memories of one
 from childhood (a tube shaped sweet chip thing); Sandy showed how children
 put them on fingertips to eat. Marla and I brainstormed
 what snacks from our early days are still around.

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Film Book Trailers: Grades 3-5    

Using a school camera, I filmed book trailers prepared by third, fourth, and fifth grade students.  Equipment and SD card was returned to the yearbook staff and by popular request, I have started showing the unedited version to students who created these commercials to "sell" their friends on reading their chosen books.

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Homemade bibimbap (mixed vegetables
with rice)
Bibimbap @ BonChon, a popular
Korean fastfood restaurant


Philippine culture - Christmas encompasses the -ber months:
September--December. I have enjoyed shopping in malls to religious
 and secular Christmas carols since beginning of September.
These are decorations for sale in middle of Guisano Mall mid-October.