Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 2019 Summary

Kangaroo Book Club Storytime 

A book is a gift that keeps on giving. At the January 5th
storytime, children were given a book to keep.
I was asked to help pick age appropriate ones,
and tried to give each child a choice from at
least two titles.

My lead story that was also translated into Cebuano was Puffin Peter
by Petr Horacek. Children colored a puffin and  were encouraged to
draw a background a location that the friendly blue whale took Peter
 looking for his friend missing in a terrible storm. I shared
  Galatians 6:9 - "Let us not become weary in doing good."

 Other character building stories I shared included Lazy Ozzie by Michael Coleman, connected to Ecclesiastes 9:10 " with all your might" and Colossians 3:23 - "work...with all your heart as working for the Lord." 

We were encouraged by You Can Do It Sam by Amy Hest. I linked it to 1 Corinthians  16:13 and discussed being courageous in trying new things and being strong.

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Faith International Academy Elementary Chapel - January 9

I think it important for
students to see us
reading directly
from the Bible.
My little buddy led us in singing "This Is the Day"
(Psalm 118:24). We then discussed a quote from
a Footprints Daybreak devo calendar in
teacher's lounge - "One secret to happiness is not 
to do what you like, but to like what you do!" 
Good mindset for the new year!
Students act out The Most Obedient Dog in the World by Anita Jeram 
who faithfully sat waiting for his master, even through a hail storm - 
a student dumped a bag of  small paper wads on the dog.  Hebrews 13:17


I also did a cartoon drawing (a baby flipped to be a daddy, from Dewey's Gospel Chalk Talks); shared Titus 2:7, and talked about ALL of asking God to help us set an example by doing what is good.

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Homeschool and Preschool Storytimes
Facebook comment for this photo shared by homeschool
mom, Emily: "Had an awesome time at the library today!
Thank you Wanda Kay Watts you are amazing."

The youngsters at Homeschool / Preschool Storytime with whale theme are coloring a whale with a lift-the-flap section that reveals Jonah on his knees praying.

Rhythm instrument fish song video break between
 stories. I captured the attention of a younger sibling
baby who was  doing a good job of holding and shaking
 his  tambourine by himself.

"Rainbow Fish" craft. I used a rainbow fish story in each of
the three marine life storytimes. I love this story that show us the joy of

sharing, the value of friendships over personal good looks and showing off.
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Fable - "The Bear and the Crow"


Each week the first Grade teacher tells me her basic topics for language arts, science, social studies, and Bible...and I enrich with literature during their library sessions twice weekly. The week first graders studied fables we reviewed what lessons we can learn from various Aesop fables I have shared during Elementary Chapel. Lizzie was the envied student who got to be the bear on the front  cover of Fables by Arnold Lobel and in the story, "The Bear and the Crow." That meant she got to wear a bed sheet, paper bags for shoes, and a frying pan for a hat.

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Community Service Club - Coaching
Getting back into the swing of things. On January 25th, I coached eight high school students, who are this semester's members of the Community Service Club (Mr. Lee, group leader) at Faith International Academy. We are preparing to share character building storybooks at Wireless Elementary Public School on several days in February.

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100th Day of School - Librarian's 100 Favorite Books 

FIA's 100th Day of School for students was Monday, January 28th. My way of celebrating here, as at the Cameroon elementary school for missionary children was to put my 100 Favorite Books in that library on display and make available the list as some were already checked out. This list is organized by genres in the Elementary School and Middle School Libraries and reflects my priority on character building books I've used in literature enrichment and storytimes. It includes my children's authors study as I prepare look forward to retirement and pray for inspiration to write character building children's books myself...long on backburner.

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Malagos Garden 
During the week before semester two classes resumed, teacher  
colleague Marla and I got out of the the city proper (an 
hour+ ride) part of a day to visit Malagos Gardens. I had been
 wanting to tour the chocolate museum and  I love
 critters...which turned out to be my favorite part of the outing. 
Of course I bought some chocolate!

In the petting zoo, the action started when I
purchased a tiny packet of birdseed for 10 pesos
($.19).  On the head, shoulder, vest, hand...waiting.
These birds knew the routine.

When the park assistant got the packet open
 and on my hand... on my! Those scrawny
sharp toes clinging to my fingers tickled or...ouch!

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Esther Care Group  New Year Gathering                 
At the New Year Get Together on January 6 (no Christmas gathering with loaded church and personal calendars) of the Esther Ladies Care Group from Christ Fellowship Church, we wore various tribal prints.

Another fascinating new experience was blue flowers were picked from bushes taller than us, steeped in hot water, and we drank up.

Manny (Estrellita's husband) and I stand in front of the bushes that were the source for our blue tea and blue rice. My first time for blue rice. Many in Asia think meals are not complete without rice. I often pass, but not this time!  BTW, no difference in taste.

Esther Ladies Care Group (+ a husband; 3 teen kids at a different table)
enjoy  the blue flower tea.

A turtle on a fence post was described as a sermon illustration
to remind us of humility plus dependency on God and others.
That turtle didn't get there by himself...and we don't get many
places by our self.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


 November-December 2018 WattsLine 


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