Thursday, July 4, 2019

June 2019 Summary

Kangaroo Book Club

Children diligently color my little farewell
gift F.R.O.G.  puzzle, Fully Rely On God

June 1 CRAFTS: paper frog (accordion fold legs and roll-out tongue) plus F.R.O.G. puzzle

After the June 1st  storytime, I was given  a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the group by Mrs. Bae and handed roses by this little girl. The children and KBC staff  had practiced and sang together "Thank You Once Again" ( to me. Yes...I needed tissues during the song. What a heart warming sendoff!

THANK YOU God for the opportunities to touch precious young lives for you with character building literature, to share your Word...and to model / train others in storytelling via the "Kangaroo Book Club" storytimes and workshops.


June FIA SUMMER Storytime 

It was my privilege to lead students in lots of participation/props stories on June 17 at Faith International Academy, relating a scripture to each. I had anticipated preschool – 2nd grade, but was delighted to have some other students join in, even a fifth grade grad. Glad to have several dozen persons of all ages each Monday in June before I left, in the Elementary-Middle School library…off to a great summer start. Thanks to Amy Seidlitz and family for carrying on this summer and to Cita Taylor for substituting with checkout for two weeks.

      One of my all-time favs The Little Red Hen, retold by Paul Galdone, this time with children as hen, dog, cat, mouse plus the usual participation (joining in repeating lines) The last page of this particular version illustrates the work ethic message very well. The related scripture was Proverbs 12:14 - "Wise words bring many benefits, and hard work brings rewards. "

     We dramatized The Turnip by Harriet Ziefert with props. I commented  on the value of teamwork and shared Eccles. 4:9 - "Two are  better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor."  

With an older of version Whose Feet? children guessed what animal’s feet were pictured and details of the uniqueness and usefulness of those feet for that animal was summarized. IMHO, the phrase "fearfully and wonderfully made" from Psalms 139:14 describes critters as well as humans - a celebration of God's creation.

A favorite story from Cameroon and Florida
 storytimes  is  Who Took the Farmer's Hat? by Joan Nodset. This story  IMHO beautifully
 illustrates Philippians 2:4 -  "Let each of you  look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

An action song halfway through the story program was “Fruit Salad” by the Wiggles. We tossed around small soft stuffed fruit. I asked the children to please not do this at home with real fruit!  


Despedidas (farewell gatherings)

Included were:

-Korean Buffett luncheon with Jae and Sandy Bae, leaders of the Kangaroo Book Club and Marla W who also helps lead KBC annual workshops.

-Fellowship @ the Green Coffee with Blessy S.,  a medical student from my church, graduating this summer and returning to India. It was an honor to be asked for my best advice.

- Esther Care Group potluck in our room at Christ Fellowship Church.

- Meals with friends Marla and Anna.


PACKING and PRUNING, Weighing, Packing and Pruning

NO pictures – it was messy as is normal for this process! This was the hard part. Two 50-pound suitcases, one 15-pound carry-on. A week before departure, my clothes were out of my closet. Had help at the end with the final packing and weighing. Thank you to those who assisted with this final process and to my housemate Naomi who took a suitcase of my belongings to the U.S. when she went back for summer medical appointments. 

I left behind more than I had hoped to squeeze in, but was able to be a blessing to number of folks involved in ministry who distribute to needy, leaders of the KBC, and leave more than planned for my housemate and her new housemate plus a few others. I felt God had instructed my heart many times - "Be a blessing." 


  Up, Up, and Away!   

My Korean Kangaroo Book Club colleagues took me to the airport. Thankful for an uneventful trip – to Manila, Tokyo, Detroit, and Orlando.

I thank God for the airport pickup, and hospitality that included driving refresher lessons by  decades old family friend Linda. Praise God also for two weeks of hospitality with decades old friends Bonita and Wayne. I so enjoyed worshiping in both of their churches.


June included much coughing…sinus bug, bronchial rattling, near pneumonia, but thankful to have gotten through it. Various other challenges also. 

I am so very grateful for the many kinds of opportunities to share God's Word, support Bible translation and varied other ministries of missionary particular opportunities to do life and minister with Filipinos also. 

On to reconnecting in the U.S. and many THANK YOU's.