Monday, January 5, 2009

Daniel and Juice Fasting Begins

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

As with many other churches in January, my pastor has again challenged our church family to begin the New Year by deeper Kingdom seeking (Matt. 6:33) via fasting and prayer.

Fasting is a practice that places the physical appetite second to spiritual matters. Our fast started January 4th during morning worship service and ends January 25th at worship service. During these 21 days, the goal is to devote extra time to individual prayer and Bible study and to seek God’s direction for our lives and the life of our church. I am keenly aware that I need extra strength, wisdom, discernment, discipline, and guidance as I prepare for the exciting new direction in which God is leading me.

There are many ways to fast, some of the more common methods for extended periods being water/juice OR the Daniel Fast. For the most part, I have chosen the Daniel Fast (Daniel 10:3); at other times I plan to consume just juice and water.

While the Daniel Fast is a partial fast, (rather than total abstention from all food) it still provides many of the attributes of denying the self and seeking God. Basically is a fast from meats, dairy, sweets, processed & fried foods, caffeine, and fat products. The Daniel Fast includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, water, and all natural juices.

Daniel Fast Resources:

“Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer” By Dr. Bill Bright

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