Thursday, August 23, 2012

ICC Inspirations: Blooming How Planted – Single or Married

          A wonderful bonus of the Intercultural Communications Course at JAARS (a nonprofit that provides technical support services—such as aviation, information technology, and media—to advance Bible translation and literacy programs worldwide)  is the opportunity hear from so many missionaries who have served as translators / linguists / support roles around the world. It is a blessing to learn how they are supporting translation and related ministries in a multitude of ways today -- role models blooming for the Lord - both single and married.

          It's been a privilege to observe and talk with a number of ladies (never married, divorced, and widowed) who are joyfully, contentedly, fruitfully productively serving God single. Outstanding examples who have impacted my heart are Jo Shetler (left above) and Amy West
          Jo worked with the Balangao people of the northern Philippines. After twenty years of linguistic research, publishing related articles, providing a literacy program, doing medical work and doing Bible translation throughout that time, the New Testament was completed and dedicated in 1982. She was assisted by Balangao co-translators throughout the journey and by colleagues for various periods of time. Those Scriptures have subsequently been printed three times. Now, concurrently with other jobs, Jo is working “long distance” with
 a team of Balangaos and making yearly trips, working on translating the Old Testament. I bought her book, “And theWord Came with Power: How God Met and Changed a People Forever”.
          Now along with colleague Amy West Jo is involved in Scripture Use and World View workshops, Cultural Orientation, Ethno Theology Think Tanks and some Spiritual Conflict Seminars for Wycliffe colleagues and other missionaries. This has taken them over the U.S.A. and on to the Philippines, Kenya, Cameroon, England and Hong Kong. Jo continues to consult on the Balangao OT translation project. She and Amy also do some teaching in the cross-cultural training programs for new members of Wycliffe.
          The question and answer time with Jo and Amy at an ICC singles picnic was most uplifting.

          I've also been inspired from observing and talking with many couples, hearing of their decades of missions work and life together abroad and also stateside in missions support roles. It warmed my heart to see couples walking hand-in-hand to JAARS Center Meeting last week...middle aged and seniors.

          During the last few weeks I've heard of missionary women marrying for the first time at 51, 60, and even 75. (Hey, there's hope for me - for a husband and ministry partner!)  My choice is to bloom 'how' planted as a single till God clearly leads otherwise. It's inspiring to see so many wonderful role models serving God joyfully single AND married.

One gal was unexpectedly blessed with 10 Asian outfits. There were 10 single
ladies @  this ICC...she shared for 8/23. Fun!

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