Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oku New Testament Dedication

Oku New Testament
It was the culmination of a multi-year literacy and Bible translation project for a people group who did not even have a written alphabet one generation ago. 

The journey had begun in the early 1980’s with a few seminary students’ dream. Over the years they had technical assistance from SIL and CABTAL – the Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and 
Literacy – as well as funding from other sources. A team of Oku Christians selected by their churches helped to translate the New Testament with  in partnership with CABTAL, OneBook in Canada and Infocus in the UK.

On Saturday,  the 12th of October, it was my great privilege to be among about 1600-2000 people gathered to celebrate the completion of the NT in the mother tongue of the Oku people.. Our prayer is that the translated New Testament will change the Oku people as God’s Word penetrates their hearts.   

Arrival of the Oku New Testaments

Two directors presenting the New
Testament - Efi Tembon, CABTAL
and Bert Visser, SIL.
New Testament first held up to cheering crowds

Prayer dedicating the Oku New Testament 

These men and women from across denominational lines,
backed by their communities with the help of CABTAL, 
OneBook, and Infocus were able to translate the New 
Testament into their language.
Linguist  Cynthia Blood,
who had worked in the project
near the beginning, gave her
speech in the Oku language.

The crowd came from near and far - including Canada,
Northern Ireland, and United States.

In the crowd with a rejoicing heart, I am on the right, 
behind the man with camera.

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