Monday, November 16, 2015

GiveBack Operation Christmas Child 2015


GiveBack is a program of Lift DisabilityNetwork. It is an annual event that empowers the Disability Family to move from a role of recipient to contributor. The Central Florida disability community was invited to fill shoe boxes at Calvary Assembly of God in Winter Park as an expression of their desire to give back and share gifts with others less fortunate around the world via Operation Christmas Child.  November 7th was a fun filled day of activities which included face painting, cookie decorating and Christmas caroling. Volunteers from various churches and groups assisted with the event.

I did a variety of things: pre-packed boxes with generic items, carried box for a nine-year old with walker as he chose treasures and coached him in filling out a paper introducing himself to the child who will receive their box, and helped consolidate contents of table near the end. 

The favorite part of my participation was definitely the privilege I had to pray over dozens of partially prepacked shoeboxes and volunteers before they chose special treasures for an age level and gender. I thanked God for the volunteer's service to God through packing the box, guidance in packing the box for whoever would receive it, blessings on the box recipient and their family - that they would sense God's love and care though the shoebox gift, and blessings on the packer.

Entrance to the event. Thank You Calvary Assembly of God in Winter Park for hosting the GiveBack event. 

Jim Hukill, Executive Director of Lift Disability Network and Bonita Slaymaker, OCC Volunteer
Tables were set up with items appropriate for three age categories: 2-4, 5-9, and 10-15... with gifts for boys on one side, gifts for girls on the other. Volunteers choose an age  category and gender to pack each box.
Distributing additional items to appropriate age level tables
Volunteers gather before the event for instructions.
Andrew leads the pack to begin the event.
Volunteers in action
Working at front table for age group 10-13, pre-packing boxes with
generic items: pens/pencils, nylon backpack, small bags with soap,
toothbrush, toothpaste, and washcloth.
Volunteers cheering on the gal in wheelchair packing the last box of the event.
Leftover items will be saved for another packing event.

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