Friday, September 8, 2017

August 2017 Summary

Students Return.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017 marked the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year at Faith International Academy (FIA) in Davao City, Philippines. Indeed an international school - as of the beginning of September, FIA has 148 students K-12 representing 23 nationalities. We have 40 missionary staff with 13 mission affiliations. 

Move to New Housing 
          The first weekend of school is not good timing for moving, but circumstances led to that. I am very grateful to be living in a house that is basically next door to the school. I had to set up housekeeping this time, but am thankful that a few pieces of furniture came with the house, I was able to buy some furniture and small appliances from several teachers. I'm working on adjusting to using a convection oven the size of a microwave and a two-burner gas hot plate that flames up high. A big blessing is the availability of a refrigerator/freezer plus a small washing machine belonging to missionaries not in the Philippines who want these items to be used. Glad to oblige!
          This photo shows the way things are often done in the Philippines - brute manpower and teamwork. The fridge would have fit into the school vehicle used for moving furniture and boxes, but I learned that it should not be laid on its side because of the danger of oil coming out of the compressor and running into the cooling lines. No pickup truck was available to me. However, no problem...Ernie my primary hired mover when leaving the apartment in May recruited three extended family members to help carry the refrigerator and small washer half a block plus to help load my two bookshelves, desk, heavy stationary bicycle, and boxes from SIL Guesthouse or storage to school vehicle and then the house. So good to be settled in.

Medical Testing
       During the week of August 7-11, I left early four days for medical appointments including an ultrasound, referral to an oncology surgeon who recommended a needle biopsy. That took place August 26 to deal with the irregular aftermath of my June surgical biopsy.  
       It seems one medical issue after another...including recent painful flare-ups with arthritis. Scripture is precious and powerful. Rejoicing...praying...thanking God in all circumstances, keeping focused on my call to educational missions, supporting the work of Bible translation and other ministries.
          Good testing news is that my Davao cardiologist concluded that I do not need an angiogram at this time. I am working hard at eating a heart healthy, anti-inflammation, cancer prevention diet and more daily exercise. An improved me is in process!

Integrating Bible with Literature and Character Building.  After the annual library orientation for Kindergarten through Grade 5, I shared Aesop's Fables during two August literature enrichment sessions. We dramatized fables with puppets or students as characters one week, then enjoyed the great art work of a series of individual fable titles. With the later, the animal illustrations displayed various emotions such as fear, anger, and delight.
          I so cherish the expectation of integrating Scripture into curriculum. Of course I did not have that freedom during my 25 years as a children's librarian in public schools and public libraries. For decades I have woven character building into storytimes and have used fables the same as parables to teach Bible truths. Here are the Aesop's Fables I used in August. Feel free to email me requesting a longer list of Scriptures related to fables and other children's literature.

The Crow and the Pitcher    MK-416
James 1:4 –Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.                                                          
tall PITCHER w/narrow neck
The Dog and His Reflection   MK-266
Proverbs 15:27a - A greedy man brings trouble to his family.  
Luke 12:15 - Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."  
-Zaccheus: Luke 19:1-9          
-Parable of The Rich Fool: Luke 12:13-31
The Lion & the Mouse  MK-102
Ephesians 4: 32Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.                                                 
net=potato sack
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 
Exodus 20: 16  - "You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. NLT  (9th Commandment)
Proverbs 12: 22 - The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. NLT
Colossians 3: 9a - Don't lie to each other.  NLT       
BIBLE STORY -  Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11
VILLAGERS, several
SHEEP,  several
WOLF    (masks)
The Stork and The Fox
          GOLDEN RULE
Matthew 7:12 – "So in everything you do, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
2 shallow dishes; 2 tall narrow neck jars
The Tortoise & the Hare 
Ecclesiastes 7: 8 - Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride. NLT                     
MK = 200 Aesop’s Fables, Miles Kelly

Showing first graders the shelf of newly available
 materials for checkout.

Breakthrough in Processing Library Acquisitions. Finally! I am thrilled to be making significant progress in processing books and DVDs acquired for circulation - over a hundred titles in August out of over a 500+ items needing cataloging. The breakthrough came with printed processing instructions from librarian friend Lauren and from a returning teacher now also Principal Jenn. Extremely grateful that past library staff Angel entered barcodes and call numbers for books she ordered. The software here is different from what I most recently used in Cameroon and I'll be the first to say that I am rather electronically challenged. I am thankful not to also have a teaching responsibility now, permitting me more time to focus on library needs.

Fellowship with friends is  a blessing and encouragement especially  through uncertain times. Here several of us share breakfast before Anna (left) returned to her homeland of Australia for a short time.  As a missionary there are so many goodbyes on both sides of the ocean; on the field goodbyes, welcomes and welcome backs are all cherished.

Cebuano Lessons. Language learning has never been easy for me, but I feel I should make an attempt to learn one of the most common Filipino languages of this part of the country. I see it strengthening my witness beyond the missionary community and being practically helpful in the marketplace and with public transportation. Ate Bebe, our school's Philippine culture teacher has been hired by a number of staff to give language lessons to adults and has written a set of two workbook manuals. Praying for the ability to remember and enunciate well.

Challenging Reading. Feeling a desire and need to grow deeper in Christ to combat spiritual warfare...I strongly felt God drawing me back to re-read an old classic, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon plus a children's version with multiple strengthening Scriptures, and a related daily devotional.         

This is the dramatic story of a pastor and a small group of Christians who determined in their hearts to react in every situation as they thought Jesus would. Its focus is the verse in 1 Peter 1:21 (I prefer NIV) "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving an example, that you should follow in his steps."   

Working toward a deeper level of obedience to Christ and fruitfulness in ministry. An exciting journey!

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