Wednesday, August 1, 2018

July 2018 Summary

Library Check-out Days and Storytime

It was great to welcome several students back from furlough. Having finished their previous grades, some students are now in a new category that allows them to check out more books (Gr. 3-5: 5 books instead of three; Gr. 6-8: 8 books) - to their pleasure.  It warms a librarian's heart when children are excited about getting more books at a time. 

Storytime (targeting preschool - second grade) this month was July 18 with a duck theme. With arrival of newly ordered library books children, enjoyed acting out with props later in the session a character building favorite I used for years elsewhere, The Chick and the Duckling by Mirra Ginsburg. This book vividly illustrates how extremely unwise it is to try copy someone else in everything. (Romans 12:2)


This was an enriching, stretching experience that included fasting from social media (for me that means Facebook). I enjoyed evening prayer meetings at church. It was meaningful to have more focused time with God and one-on-one verbal communication with several family members I hadn't talked with in several months or years via Skype phone. Nice tune-up with God before starting my last school year in the Philippines. Seeking much guidance for getting my "ducks in a row" as I prepare for a new season of life called retirement.


Eye Injection   

I was very glad that my eye injection for retina vein occlusion on July 19th at Davao Doctors Hospital Eye Center on July 19th was uneventful. NOT fun I assure you, but I am used to it by now. 

My best coping technique technique? I had the opportunity to share ahead with several small groups what I learned from a senior saint in Orlando. Whenever she would undergo a painful or nerve-racking medical treatment, she would quote to herself Isaiah 41:10 - Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." She would hold out her hand and envision Jesus holding it. I do the same under the covers in the minor surgery operating room - everything covered except for a square of space for the eye. 

As my memory is nothing compared to my Grandpa Snowden's for quoting scripture, I have this verse in my cell phone under B - BIBLE Promises, Notes... and read it in the waiting room. IMHO, envisioning Jesus holding our hand through any unpleasant experience helps...and I like to share this little coping gem when I have a good opportunity. 


Storying and the Arts Trauma Healing

It was my privilege to participate in the Using Storying and Arts in Trauma Healing, week-long Basic Course. Participants and course leaders came from several Asian countries.

Trauma isolates people from one another and from God. Addressing its impact is becoming one of the most urgent human needs in the world. This course introduces a holistic, interactive approach through engaging with stories from Scripture for helping people who suffer from the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects of trauma. Participants learn basic knowledge and skills for facilitating the use of practical activities and relevant arts for addressing beliefs and emotional damage caused by trauma.
Evening dinner with some basic course participants, a leader + two friends.
Hmmm...been getting many thank you's for participating and positive comments. A note: "It is so inspiring to see how you are very eager to learn and be a vessel for God's Kingdom...I am blessed by your life's story." PTL! My prayer is to be a blessing where God leads me.

There were fewer people in Advanced Arts and Trauma Healing Course, and I was invited to be part an audience in a group facilitation session. My pleasure to participate, a valuable learning experience, and good to reconnect with folks from last week. 

Hope to provide more photos, but some faces will be blurred as some folks serve in sensitive areas.


Welcome Bible Bee!

BEFORE: "Bible Bee" Costumes for my
wooden ventriloquism puppet and myself
NOW in Philippines

On July 30, a new buddy for my ministry in the school and community arrived at the Elementary-Middle School Library. Downsizing is refreshing and freeing. I left my wooden puppets and costumes in the U.S. for a number of reasons. I was able to locate a moving mouth, large soft bee puppet on E-Bay that can squeeze down reasonably smaller for transport. I so appreciate the gracious offer last year of Wendi Capehart to bring some things back in her suitcase this summer.  THANK YOU Wendi for sharing suitcase space with library books and Bible Bee in July and much appreciation to a son and daughter of yours for bringing library books to the Philippines in May! TEAMWORK.

The Bible Beelines book I bought with the puppet contains nine scripts that teach Bible truths. I had a script "Bee Diligent or Do It Anyway" published in the January/February 1986 edition of Newsy Vents (publication of North American Association of Ventriloquists). I look forward to using this script again and also adapting a lesson plan from a program on the Fruit of the Spirit  and other Bible Bees -  to materials I have here. Bee Loving, Bee Kind, Bee Patient....BZZZ! 

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