Friday, May 31, 2019

Farewell Celebrations

SIL Retirement Reception

At my SIL Retirement Reception on May 2, Cindy Groening read these  meaningful scriptures:

Isaiah 46:4  - Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Psalm 71:17, 18 - 17 Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. 18 Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.

In the top photo above I am being presented this certificate of appreciation from Philippines SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics, arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators) Director Tammy Ruch by Brian Schwartz. I was asked to briefly share my plans after leaving Philippines June 20. 

On the agenda: I have plane ticket to Orlando where I plan to visit supporters, long-time friends, and clean out a storage unit of books, files, and puppets. Then on to visit supporters in central Kentucky and settle there near my two sisters (maybe Winchester ?). I strongly feel called to take writing off back burner and create character building children's books and other; plus I am praying about possibly assisting again with Perspectives courses. 

I humbly seek God's leading for this next season of my life. I am painfully aware that calls for slowing down drastically as I currently struggle with keeping up with responsibilities, commitments and mobility, plus dealing with upper airway resistance syndrome and poor sleep efficiency.

Yours truly was one of two speakers at our regular monthly SIL meeting in May. I shared a PowerPoint summary "Journey in Educational Missions" that encompassed a very brief overview of my ministry in Cameroon, West Africa plus details and pictures of my educational missions work in the Philippines - both official FIA Librarian assignment and outreach ministries that are dear to my heart.

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FIA  Despedida  - May 2019

With Rachel Hulland, co-head of school.

In any culture new to a person, there are new words to be understood and used. It has taken me a while to learn to spell "despedida" from memory, but I finally have it now. An online definition: "noun. Philippine English.  More fully "Despedida party." A social event honouring someone who is about to depart on a journey or leave an organization; a going-away party."

On May 21, Faith International Academy hosted a despedida honoring a number of us leaving - some of us for new seasons of life and others for furlough. Those of us leaving were blessed with a lovely bouquet of flowers; all missionary teachers received an end-of-year gift of appreciation.

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Kangaroo Book Club - Storytime

June 1 was my last neighborhood storytime with this book ministry. I cherish the interactions I have with children in my neighborhood, the freedom I have to relate scripture to the character building books that I share and to invite youngsters to make Jesus #1 in their lives. It's special when children on the street wave to me, calling "Hello Teacher." Please pray with me for the Baes and this ministry, that the scriptures and character stories take root and remain in the precious young hearts. The Kangaroo Book Club was dear to my heart, one of the highlights of my service in Davao City.

After the June 1 storytime, I was given a certificate of appreciation and roses. The children and KBC staff had practiced and sang together  "Thank You Once Again" me. Yes...I needed kleenex.

THANK YOU God for the opportunities to touch precious young lives for you, with your Word... and to model/train others in storytelling via the Kangaroo Book Club storytimes and  workshops. 

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Esther Care Group Despedida - Christ Fellowship Church, Davao City, Philippines


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