Monday, July 6, 2009

NAC 09 - Reunion with 3 Ivorian Pastors

It was a delight to have three pastors from Côte d’Ivoire at the North American Convention of the Church of God: Pastor Soukalo from Platform village, Pastor Daniel - French CBH speaker and teacher at West African Bible Institute, and Pastor Emmanuel from Korhogo Church of God. I appreciate Pastor Daniel serving as interpreter at my 2-day Christian Education Seminar in Yamoussoukro during October 2007.

CBH (Christians Broadcasting Hope) ViewPoint Live Taping. Hosts Rev. Jim Lyons and Jennifer Wilson interviewed CBH French speaker Pastor Daniel N’Goran with missionary Rev. Larry Sellers serving as interpreter. Some of us NAC guests had the privilege of sitting in on this taping as the studio audience.

Côte d’Ivoire ministry team at NAC 09 Family Funfest Global Mainstreet. First row: Pastor Daniel, Pastor Soukalo, missionary-elect Kay Watts, Pastor Emmanuel, missionaries/regional coordinators Sherman & Kay Critser; second row: missionary Larry Sellers and son Lee.

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