Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Daniel Fast" 2010 begins

Many believers annually set apart 21 days in January to pray and fast for breakthrough in our personal lives, in the body of Christ, in our nation and in our world. My Orlando church began our 21 day fast on Monday. Some choose to start with only water, then add juice; others are doing various kinds of partial fasts including the “Daniel Fast” – my primary choice. Regardless of method, the goal is “To grow closer to God as you quiet your flesh.”

This time, I have looked forward to my January Daniel Fast. During this "fork in the road" transition time of my life, I especially hunger for a closer walk with God as I seek direction and guidance for the next stretch of my journey in educational missions. Secondarily, I desire the health and stamina results that Daniel and his buddies received from their vegetables and water routine (Daniel 1) ...since I'm somewhat run down from burning the candle at both ends and in the middle.

The "Daniel Fast" is a partial fast patterned after the fast of David and friends in the Old Testament. It basically is a fast from meats, dairy, sweets, processed & fried foods, caffeine, and fat products. The Daniel Fast includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and water.

Daniel Fast Resources

The 2010 New Year Daniel Fast with Susan Gregory, Daniel Fast Blogger. Sign up for the Daniel Fast Mailing List  to receive the Daniel Fast Guidelines, tips, recipes and periodic information about the Daniel Fast.

The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew Your Body by Susan Gregory. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 2009.
       Want to grow closer to God and improve your health in just 21 days? Inspired by the Book of Daniel, blogger Gregory has a plan to help you do just that! Her biblical principles will change the way you view food, your body, and your relationship with the Creator. Includes recipes, devotional readings, and FAQs.
       Personal note: this book is wonderful - instructions for the fast prep practical, recipes delicious (love the chili and soup ones I sorta combine in our prolonged cold Florida weather!), and the devotions uplifting, especially when journal in response. Just what I needed.

The Daniet Fast - Rev. Michael L. Farho: Blog, Foods to avoid, Foods to eat, Instructions, Q and A, Recipes, Scripture, Tips, Resources

Daniel’s Fast friendly restaurants, stores and products.

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