Monday, October 27, 2014

World Teacher Day 2014

WORLD TEACHER’S DAY 2014 was observed on October 13th at “The Greenhouse, A Learning Center for Missionary Children.” We cherish and enjoy supporting Bible translation and several Christian missions in Cameroon via education.

 Pictured are: Naomi Emberson (Gr. 3&4), Kay Watts (Librarian), Katie Majorins (Kdg.), Barb Lane (Gr. 5 & 6), Mary Santos (Field Education System Coordinator), and Karen Merry (Gr. 1 & 2). Along with the reading, writing, and arithmetic, we also strive to “teach them to observe everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:20

Grateful for others on our team who teach Music, P.E., French, and ESL, and also Kindergarten

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