Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Announcing: Official Invitation to Serve in Philippines

As I recognized the wisdom of leaving Cameroon because it was not senior-friendly and I was not able to get adequate treatment for my eye conditions...I thought that was the end of my overseas missions service. But Isaiah 55:9 tells us - “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." 

In exploring some possible Wycliffe assignments, one clearly jumped to the forefront - a critical opening for a librarian at Faith International Academy ( in Davao City, Philippines. Seventy percent of the students are children of missionaries.This K-12 school of approximately 150 students is strategic for supporting multiple missions. I will have the privilege of not only supporting Bible translators and linguists but also families who serve in medical ministries (including Tebow CURE Hospital), orphanages, pastoral training, church planting, street kids' ministry, basketball ministries, and more. FIA has more than 15 nationalities represented in the student body.

Davao is known to be far more senior-friendly than Cameroon and medical care is comparable to the U.S. I’ve already been able to talk personally with a retina specialist located in the same city. 

Purpose: Faith International Academy exists primarily to support families in Christian ministry by providing a quality, international, Christian education.

On June 20, I received an official invitation to join the staff of FIA:

"Dear Kay,
It is with grateful hearts that Faith International Academy has accepted your application to serve as a Librarian at Faith International Academy of Davao City. FIA serves families in ministry and other international families in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. 
I want to invite you to come and welcome you officially in joining the Faith International Academy staff family. For over thirty years, God has provided for our school. We thankfully express God’s goodness to us. Part of His goodness has been the provision to have you join our team..." 

More photos and information will be forthcoming. (You are invited to subscribe in the box on the right to my WattsLine newsletters.) Lord willing, I plan to depart after my cataract surgeries / possible vitrectomy and necessary funds are pledged. I pray this will be possible by or in September.

YOU are invited to join my team of prayer and financial partners in as I support what God is doing in Davao City, Philippines.  


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