Friday, December 29, 2017

December 2017 Summary

Please continue praying for the people of the Philippines: 

Thirty-eight people perished in a 32-hour fire that engulfed the NCCC Mall in my southern Philippine city of Davao. Thirty-seven victims were call center workers. The last victim  found was security officer Melvin Gaa who had who had already helped evacuate some call center workers as fire raged through the four-story building on Saturday, December 23rd. Gaa,  10-year NCCC security worker, had helped evacuate 83 other call center employees and about 700 mall workers and shoppers before he died,  according to mall spokesperson Thea Padua. Temperatures inside the mall are said to have reached 500 to 700 degrees Celsius (932 to 1292 F). One former student of Faith International Academy perished in this fire. 


Death toll passes 200 in Philippines floods and mudslides
On 22 December, tropical storm Tembin (locally known as Vinta) hit Mindanao island in the Philippines, before making a second landfall on 23 December on Palawan island, further west (IFRC 25/12/2017). 
An estimated 715,354 persons (151,354 families) have been affected in eight regions and 24 provinces, and the number continues to rise. Heavy rains caused severe flash floods and landslides. 240 deaths have been reported and the number of casualties is expected to rise as over 300 people remain missing and assessments are still being carried out (RFI 26/12/2017; IFRC 26/12/2017)

Note the white arrow pointing to waterline in right photo as a Faith International Academy teacher assists with cleanup of a FIA employee's home. Such activity would be physically very risky for me with age issues (past falls in water), but I have given money plus some clothes, and am to be notified of how I can further help our four employees affected by the floods. 


Approaching Christmas 2017 I was again in a personal situation where choosing joy is THE very best way to deal with and ultimately triumph over life's circumstances.

On December 16, I had a ultrasound guided needle core biopsy...the third breast biopsy in less than six months for a suspicious abnormality. An ultrasound the week before showed a new solid mass with ragged edges. I was told that the ragged edge is characteristic of a reoccurrence (cancer)...or it  could be just part of  the scar tissue  - of which I am very aware. I would not get biopsy results until several days after Christmas.  

knew what I must to do - CHOOSE JOY. But that is so much easier said that done. I  strongly agree with Henri Nowen - "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it everyday." 



I saw an oncology surgeon after receiving the written report. He wants to monitor the mass carefully, another ultrasound in three months, maybe another biopsy in six months. 

I praise God there is no cancer, but I can not fully relax, not completely out of the woods.  I choose to be even more diligent in cancer prevention actions. Have greatly cut back on sugar (bah humbug!), am exercising more to lose weight. Have lost a few pounds already, even during the long holiday season here (-ber months).  

Reading about prevention, particularly of reoccurrence.  Just got on Kindle the book - Take Breast Cancer off Your Menu: How to Prevent Breast Cancer or Stop it Returning. New Evidence Reveals Amazing Protector Foods, Glickman. Will carefully read rather than scan as before several other cancer prevention Kindle books I already had. I welcome hearing of special natural ways to prevent breast cancer return.

Romans 8:28 - 2018 will be a very health conscious year for me and I will choose joy as I eat more fruits, veggies, exercise more, etc. Having a housemate on a strict healthy diet arrive in January will be a good support. I praise God for the Christmas gift of a Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Fitness Activity Tracker Wristband from a young Korean teacher friend - a real blessing.  God has my back! 

I have posted a new page on this blog, "Joy Journey" (and plan to share more) scriptures, quotes, song links, and other resources that help me choose joy.


Hospitality Extended: It was my privilege to host Barbara Altork, Wycliffe Bible Translators member who serves with Asia Area as a Desktop Publishing Specialist remotely from North Carolina. Barbara stayed at my place November 17 - December 5.  She came to the Philippines for the express purpose of  buying and packing nearly 700 Christmas gift bags for children in her ministry areas, particularly those who attend the Vacation Bible Schools she trains for and equips. I enjoyed meeting many of her assistants / ministry partner Filipino friends who came to Davao to help with the packing, some to transport gift bags four hours back to their churches. Five stayed here one or more nights. Blessings Barb on you, each ministry partner, and each child who received a gift in Jesus' name.


I thank God for three opportunities to share Gospel messages during December events  at Christ Church Fellowship (CFC).


On Tuesday Dec. 5 during "Power Connect" at Christ Fellowship Church (CFC), I shared my testimony "Joy Is A Choice" about discovering the ability to have joy in the middle of heartbreak the year I became an orphan on Christmas morning. Sometimes I  weary of sharing this, but felt God nudging me to do so with this group. On Christmas Sunday morning, a medical student from India thanked me for sharing, told me it really touched her heart. My task is to be obedient to God's leadings.



Purok Baybay Carpenter Outreach "Christmas Party": On Saturday, December. 9, my  Esther Care Group  hosted children and families from a sister church in Davao at our social hall.  I used puppets, story dramatization, and special props to share the Gospel.


CFC Children's Church Christmas party. I was asked to share on December 17 at the CFC Children's Church Christmas party. After my presentation a martial arts team did a demonstration and shared a power Gospel skit using their skills.

 This young man played the role of Jesus in a powerful martial arts dramatization. (CFC has a martial arts ministry with which they use to share the Gospel.) Several folks wanted a pic of "The Good Shepherd" with my sheep.
Shaggy Sheep enjoys giving "high-fives" to children.

 The five-pointed star inside a circle (halo) with tassels called a "parol" is a traditional decoration in the Philippines. I incorporated discussions of parols into community church Christmas programs and into Christmas literature enrichment sessions at Faith International Academy.

Children squawk with my bird puppet as she lays a plastic egg containing theme and key verse of the party and my presentation.

Is it possible to cut a piece of computer paper so that that and others can step into the middle? Yes...with room to spare...illustrating Philippians 4:13.


Christmas Parols
This traditional symbol of the star of Bethlehem, often a lantern, is the most recognized Christmas emblem of faith and hope in the Philippines.

Parol at neighbor friends' house outside the school gate

Parol in my living room, previously in the library,
2016 in 5th grade classroom where I taught
 language arts.

Parol gift from a friend above a nativity in my living room, previously
shared in library story sessions. Looking forward to taking
this one back to U.S. when I retire in 2019.


More Hospitality Shared: I so enjoyed having Bible translator Dr. Jaqueline Huggins stay at my house and catching up on life the weekend before and Friday night after a week long workshop with the Philippines Department of Education. Bible translators and linguists work with DeptEd and public schools on mother tongue projects.

Jaqueline and I had shared a number of meals together at the October 2015 Wycliffe Connection in Orlando, FL. Here, she has joined me for some shopping after her workshop and we ran into the "Jollibee" mascot...a photo op of course.


Other Gatherings (where photos taken)

12/17: CFC Esther Care Group, with our guest Jacqueline Huggins.

12/24: CFC Esther Care Group with our pastor's wife on Christmas Eve Sunday.
These dear sisters in the Lord enjoy taking pictures often.
 I thank God for our opportunities to discuss the morning sermons, pray
for and support one another though various life trials, and to serve together.

Happy Birthday Bill Capehart (2nd from right)!  Thank you Marla for your hospitality.

Esther Care Group and friend. Thanks Christine
for sharing your birthday celebration with us on
your anniversary. 
Esther Care Group New Year's Eve after
morning worship. The group choose to wear
purple. When I wear my purple Cameroon dress,
 "Grandma Gracie" like to come. Rich time of
 sharing reflections and goals / perceived
callings for 2018.

Photo to come: Faith International Staff 2017 Christmas Dinner


Friday, December 1, 2017

November 2017 Summary

"Shaggy the Sheep" Arrives
"Shaggy" the Sheep was welcomed to Davao and to Faith International Academy (FIA) on November 1...again thanks to Pastor Woo, my library assistant's husband. Already "Shaggy" (a name suggested by one of these second graders) has assisted with an elementary chapel program and I plan to use him often in December when sharing Christmas literature at FIA and also Christmas programs in the community.


Reading and Storytelling Seminar
I was asked by Korean missionary friends, Jay and Sandy Bae, to lead workshop sessions in Marfori (down the street) on the benefits of reading and how-to do storytimes. Their ministry, Kangaroo Book Clubs (KBC), sets up mini-libraries in schools and neighborhoods in several Philippine locations. Sandy does storytimes in schools and daycares which include Christian stories. We praise God for great feedback on these sessions.

 This November 11 workshop targeted teachers and librarians. Next year the Baes plan to rent space in a hotel so more registrations can be accepted and 30-year veteran teacher Miss Winslow will do the reading session. 


Thanksgiving is a day; thanks-living is a lifestyle.  American Thanksgiving Day 2017, November 23 was my assigned day to lead staff devotionals. It was a no-brainer as to what my theme would be. I volunteered to also speak in elementary chapel on this topic that is dear to my heart.

Staff Devotionals
I shared a chemical object lesson (the old baking soda & vinegar thing) to illustrate the recipe for joyful, thanks-living.  Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 the ingredients are: 
16 Rejoice always, 
17 pray continually, 

18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Our head-of-school, Mr. Bradfield, shared an awesome video clip from a service in his U.S. church that powerfully illustrated these three ingredients.

Elementary Chapel

I shared the same recipe for joyful, thanks-living with Kindergarten--Grade 5 during elementary chapel. Students poured small scoops of white substance (sugar or baking soda) representing these three ingredients into what looked like a clear cup of water (actually white vinegar) that signified the 'cup' of our lives. I discussed the three ingredients, but particularly emphasized how giving thanks in all things helps give us strength to rise above our circumstances.

"David" and I did a ventriloquism routine "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,"  assisted by a student walking a bleating sheep puppet back and forth in front of us.
"David" and I took turns reading lines from the poem I like to call  "Thanks-Living":

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

My heart was touched and encouraged by the delightful letters (writing practice) thanking me for being chapel speaker from third and fourth grade students (many ESL). Here are some of their unedited comments, heart-warming for me:

"Thank you for teaching us about the thankful life... Your pupit david was very funny. I am very imprest how you can change your voice like that...I hope you will speak to us again in chaple. I will say thaks to God today." -M.
"You were one of my favorite speakers in chapel."  -A. 
"Thank you for taking the time to teach chapel....This has been one of my favorite chapels this year." - J.
"I hope you can speak again.  P.S. It really sounded like the pupet was speaking." -J.
"I was glad you read the "Thanksliving" poem to us. For me, it really touched my heart. I feel like I could be more thankful. The puppet, David, was hilarious...The Bible verse you read to us was amazing....God bless you! I hope you come back!   Striving to thank,  -Y


In the evening after two Thanks-Living presentations and library sessions with books about living with gratitude for various things, my U.S. SIL colleagues, two houseguests, others, and I enjoyed a traditional potluck Thanksgiving dinner and good fellowship.

I am hosting Barbara Altork, a Wycliffe USA member who served in Philippines 14 years,  November 17-December 6 as she facilitates a Christmas outreach ministry with hundreds of children. It has been a pleasure to fellowship with some of her Filipino ministry partners. Details and photos coming in December blog summary and newsletter. To God be the glory. 


2017 "Under the Sea" Carnival". At this semi-annual event of Faith International Academy (FIA), my responsibility was hosting a table for students to decorate paper bags for holding their candy prizes from various games. Students drew seaweed or waves on their bag and drew or glued on clipart sea creatures. I was grateful to 8th grader Noah who volunteered to make a sample bag during his library time that morning. Middle and high schoolers assisted with some carnival activities. I appreciate the teamwork and many ways older FIA students support younger ones.


The Esther Care Group ladies (+ one husband) from my church celebrated an advanced  Christmas Party at the Big House with Sis Lizabeth Robillo Lu on November 28tth. Superb spring rolls! Thanks Sis Liz for your hospitality!


I so very highly recommendLimitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life. by Nick Vujicic. 2013. Random House LLC. Available in Kindle. From

Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God’s plan for your life. Born without arms or legs, Nick has experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by clinging to his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person.
Now he wants you to experience that same reassurance of hope and the power of God, everyday. In these fifty inspirational devotions, Nick shares his most compelling, hard-earned wisdom to help you face obstacles with confidence and courage and point you toward God. Whether you struggle with faith, relationships, career challenges, anger, health concerns, self-esteem, finding balance, or doubt in your dreams, Nick’s biblical encouragement and positive attitude will transform your life and show you that you can be limitless because God is limitless. 
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Sunday, November 5, 2017

October 2017 Summary

In Their Words -  McCoy Missionary Homeschool Family Attending Storytimes & Checkout Sessions 

"Having Ms. Watts come to Davao is a true answer to our family’s prayers! 

Our homeschooled children love books so much, the public library is always on our To Do List when visiting the US. (Usually on the way home from the airport after 17+ hours of travel!) However, with no libraries in our area, you can imagine the groans and complaints of our children. We have prayed for a solution, and for a source to feed their “literary hunger”. Our 8 year old especially breezes through history pieces and chapter books; keeping up with our avid reader before was impossible! Continually shipping books is way too expensive for a missionary family abroad! 

When Ms. Watts came to Faith Academy, her passion for education and her thoughtfulness of the homeschool families was truly God’s gift! This has made a world of difference!! Our children squeal when they know “Library Day” is upon us, and the only groans we hear are when they have limits on how many to check out! 

Not only that, but Ms. Watts weekly has read, sung, danced and taught my children, along with many others, during Library Time, inspiring them to learn new things and encouraging them in their reading journeys. Having a weekly library group to join was a tremendous answer to prayer, for our children to have outside stimulation and socialization while still being homeschooled. She has patiently built a relationship with my kids, and continues to invest in the homeschool community in Davao. 

Thank you so much for sending Ms. Watts to Davao, and helping answer the prayers of a missionary family!! She is an inspirational person, creative and thorough in this specialized gift that she brings to our area!"  - Mrs. Jenny (& Eric) McCoy, 


Literature Enrichment with "Dorothy"
Students enjoy having "Dorothy" visit their literature enrichment classes to share announcements and to chat with them.


Library Skills Cooperative Reference Game: Boys versus girls. Each team had an atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, Guinness Book of World Records, and a thesaurus. Each team member found a detail in a reference book, and asked the other where to find that information. It's a fun way to interact with reference resources.

3rd Grade Reference Game Teams

4th Grade Reference Game Teams




Puppets "David" and "Dorothy" Attend a Birthday Dinner
Birthday celebrations are such a cherished part of life in the Philippines. These ladies are members of my church's Esther Care Group. I appreciate group members inviting me to two birthday celebrations the first weekend of October. The dinner pictured honored Ate Babes (back row, second from right).

When group members asked if I would participate in karaoke at this birthday celebration, I agreed...only using my puppets that they want me to share at our  upcoming Christmas outreach ministry. (I sing Biblically...I make a "joyful noise.") My little friends and I never got inside to the karaoke machine - "David" and "Dorothy" were having too much fun on the patio with children and the young at heart.

"Dorothy" receives three generations of smiles

Leonila invited me to her granddaughter's "bat barakah." This is a beautiful and heart-warming "Blessing Ceremony and Rite of Passage" into adulthood on the 18th birthday. Eighteen ladies (including Mom & Grandmother) shared memories and spoke blessings on the honoree; of course Dad (our Pastor) had special words of blessings. An awesome celebration and rite of passage!


Chance Meeting with a Chicken

Life is full of surprises and  adventures large and small. What do you do when you see a big chicken coming down the grocery store aisle? Grab your phone camera of course...a "Kodak moment"! This character was in the store promoting free-range chicken products. 


A book that I am being blessed and encouraged by is Age is Just a Number - How to Age Without Growing Old by Harold and Darlene Sala. (ISBN: 9789710096633, OMF Literature Inc.,

During the Esther Care Group Sunday on a recent morning after worship,  I shared a quote that especially spoke to me from this book. Referring to Psalm 71:18 - "Brothers and sisters, this is your job--to declare His power to the next generation. Use whatever years are ahead of you to make sure you have fulfilled your responsibility to those who follow in your footsteps." (page 27)