Friday, December 1, 2017

November 2017 Summary

"Shaggy the Sheep" Arrives
"Shaggy" the Sheep was welcomed to Davao and to Faith International Academy (FIA) on November 1...again thanks to Pastor Woo, my library assistant's husband. Already "Shaggy" (a name suggested by one of these second graders) has assisted with an elementary chapel program and I plan to use him often in December when sharing Christmas literature at FIA and also Christmas programs in the community.


Reading and Storytelling Seminar
I was asked by Korean missionary friends, Jay and Sandy Bae, to lead workshop sessions in Marfori (down the street) on the benefits of reading and how-to do storytimes. Their ministry, Kangaroo Book Clubs (KBC), sets up mini-libraries in schools and neighborhoods in several Philippine locations. Sandy does storytimes in schools and daycares which include Christian stories. We praise God for great feedback on these sessions.

 This November 11 workshop targeted teachers and librarians. Next year the Baes plan to rent space in a hotel so more registrations can be accepted and 30-year veteran teacher Miss Winslow will do the reading session. 


Thanksgiving is a day; thanks-living is a lifestyle.  American Thanksgiving Day 2017, November 23 was my assigned day to lead staff devotionals. It was a no-brainer as to what my theme would be. I volunteered to also speak in elementary chapel on this topic that is dear to my heart.

Staff Devotionals
I shared a chemical object lesson (the old baking soda & vinegar thing) to illustrate the recipe for joyful, thanks-living.  Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 the ingredients are: 
16 Rejoice always, 
17 pray continually, 

18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Our head-of-school, Mr. Bradfield, shared an awesome video clip from a service in his U.S. church that powerfully illustrated these three ingredients.

Elementary Chapel

I shared the same recipe for joyful, thanks-living with Kindergarten--Grade 5 during elementary chapel. Students poured small scoops of white substance (sugar or baking soda) representing these three ingredients into what looked like a clear cup of water (actually white vinegar) that signified the 'cup' of our lives. I discussed the three ingredients, but particularly emphasized how giving thanks in all things helps give us strength to rise above our circumstances.

"David" and I did a ventriloquism routine "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,"  assisted by a student walking a bleating sheep puppet back and forth in front of us.
"David" and I took turns reading lines from the poem I like to call  "Thanks-Living":

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

My heart was touched and encouraged by the delightful letters (writing practice) thanking me for being chapel speaker from third and fourth grade students (many ESL). Here are some of their unedited comments, heart-warming for me:

"Thank you for teaching us about the thankful life... Your pupit david was very funny. I am very imprest how you can change your voice like that...I hope you will speak to us again in chaple. I will say thaks to God today." -M.
"You were one of my favorite speakers in chapel."  -A. 
"Thank you for taking the time to teach chapel....This has been one of my favorite chapels this year." - J.
"I hope you can speak again.  P.S. It really sounded like the pupet was speaking." -J.
"I was glad you read the "Thanksliving" poem to us. For me, it really touched my heart. I feel like I could be more thankful. The puppet, David, was hilarious...The Bible verse you read to us was amazing....God bless you! I hope you come back!   Striving to thank,  -Y


In the evening after two Thanks-Living presentations and library sessions with books about living with gratitude for various things, my U.S. SIL colleagues, two houseguests, others, and I enjoyed a traditional potluck Thanksgiving dinner and good fellowship.

I am hosting Barbara Altork, a Wycliffe USA member who served in Philippines 14 years,  November 17-December 6 as she facilitates a Christmas outreach ministry with hundreds of children. It has been a pleasure to fellowship with some of her Filipino ministry partners. Details and photos coming in December blog summary and newsletter. To God be the glory. 


2017 "Under the Sea" Carnival". At this semi-annual event of Faith International Academy (FIA), my responsibility was hosting a table for students to decorate paper bags for holding their candy prizes from various games. Students drew seaweed or waves on their bag and drew or glued on clipart sea creatures. I was grateful to 8th grader Noah who volunteered to make a sample bag during his library time that morning. Middle and high schoolers assisted with some carnival activities. I appreciate the teamwork and many ways older FIA students support younger ones.


The Esther Care Group ladies (+ one husband) from my church celebrated an advanced  Christmas Party at the Big House with Sis Lizabeth Robillo Lu on November 28tth. Superb spring rolls! Thanks Sis Liz for your hospitality!


I so very highly recommendLimitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life. by Nick Vujicic. 2013. Random House LLC. Available in Kindle. From

Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God’s plan for your life. Born without arms or legs, Nick has experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by clinging to his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person.
Now he wants you to experience that same reassurance of hope and the power of God, everyday. In these fifty inspirational devotions, Nick shares his most compelling, hard-earned wisdom to help you face obstacles with confidence and courage and point you toward God. Whether you struggle with faith, relationships, career challenges, anger, health concerns, self-esteem, finding balance, or doubt in your dreams, Nick’s biblical encouragement and positive attitude will transform your life and show you that you can be limitless because God is limitless. 
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

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