Wednesday, September 6, 2017

July 2017 Summary

July was another roller coaster month of medical appointments, waiting, and orders for more tests. Nevertheless, I CHOOSE to still rejoice in God's blessings and provision, pray, and give thanks in all things...could be soooo much worse.

The first week in Manila included consultation with a cardiologist regarding an enlarged left ventricle and several symptoms; she called for a lipid lab panel and a 2D Echo Doppler stress test; back to cardiologist before returning to Davao July 6. Time to get established with a Davao cardiologist (recommended by Bible translation colleagues); he mentioned a potential angiogram and had me schedule an Exercise Stress Echocardiogram July 14). I was past due to see my retina specialist...she scheduled another eye injection. 

Summer Library Times. During the summer, we scheduled the Elementary-Middle School and High School libraries at Faith International Academy (FIA) to be open Monday afternoons for checkout, plus a storytime targeting preschool--grade 2 once each month. On July 17, I presented a storytime with a BIRD theme. 

Kangaroo Book Club (KBC). What a delight to learn about the Kangaroo Book Club (KBC) library ministry of FIA parents Mr. and Mrs. Bae. I visited the mini neighborhood library they and their staff are in the process of setting up. They visited the Faith International Academy Elementary and Middle School Library to see how our books are organized and how we do cataloging. 

VISION: "KBC exists to reach communities of the unreached and reached people of Mindanao with the love of God through Books and Education."

MISSION: "KBC aims to educate under-developed communities by establishing open Library and promote the importance of reading books to children through seminars, trainings, and other educational upgrading."

September 9th UPDATE: I was just asked to lead a seminar at our neighborhood mini library to train teachers and parents in the benefits of reading and story telling for children, plus practical how-to tips of presenting storytime sessions. This seminar is projected for November 11, 2017. 

Ministry Opportunity at Eye Injection OR.          At Davao Doctors Hospital Eye Center on July 20, four of us waited our turn in the Operating Room inner waiting room for an eye injection decked in a hospital gown over clothing, turquoise stretch hat over our hair, wearing provided flip flops (our street shoes not allowed in operating room). Extra precautions are taken here as there is greater risk for eye infections in the tropics. I needed the injection to help deal with a past retina vein occlusion.
          We were chatting away. When the other lady in this little group learned that I am a missionary, she asked me to pray for us. Of course I was glad to do so. As a retired Davao police officer left, he thanked me for my prayer. The man who was getting his first eye injection seemed very receptive to my prayer. 
          I always take time from busy work I bring to waiting rooms to talk with fellow patients who seem interested in chatting. God convicted my heart that I should initiate more conversations rather than internally fume about the long waits...making myself more available for encouragement and ministry opportunities. 

July  27: New Staff Orientation. Several of us who were not at Faith International Academy at the beginning of last school year attended this informative day of sessions along with the real newbies and several returnees after a period away.   


July 28 - August 1: All Staff Orientation. It was such a blessing to get out of the city central to nearby Eden Nature Park July 29-31 for our all staff retreat. In addition to various academic related sessions, New Head of School Chase Bradfield - New Head of School, shared more about this year's theme, "Love at the Core" based on I Corinthians 13.

Meals Shared. It was my privilege to host meals with Faith International Academy staff returning from furlough/extended leave or new staff...sending a meal the day of my eye injection or fellowshipping together over food  - a family, a couple, and two singles. So nice to get acquainted with this these colleagues, and re-acquainted  with Jenn from international childhood education training in Dallas six years ago.
          Note: the graphic with only a fork and tablespoon is typical of the meal utensils most commonly provided here. I am still trying to get accustomed to just these two utensils.

Moving Prep. My housing after arriving in November 2016 was designated for the remainder of the school year and was furnished with all appliances. On Monday after school ended in May, I moved into the SIL Guesthouse, Davao. I thank God for the gracious, supportive treatment I received there and also at the SIL Guesthouse in Manila for three plus weeks while I had multiple medical appointments including many x-rays and a surgical biopsy at St. Luke's Medical Center, Quezon City (15 minutes away). After researching options, the only viable one was available to me - down a short driveway next door to the school. The previous contact ended August 3. Packing, planning, preparation for the move and to set up housekeeping (getting furniture and appliances, kitchen utensils) was my agenda between everything else. 

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