Saturday, May 5, 2018

April 2018 Summary

Kangaroo Book Club - April 7, 2018

 A character building storytime with craft Saturday session was shared with neighborhood children. It was hosted by the Kangaroo Book Club, a book ministry of my Korean missionary friends Sandy and Jae Bae.

Grandma Gracie discusses with children
about why folks wear aprons.

In "Grandmother's Aprons: A Quilt Story,"  ( a little boy  recalls 12 special experiences with his Grandma that resulted in 12 colors of aprons, and passes on those stories to his own grandchildren. 

Dramatizing "The Little Red Hen" with Stuffed animals and puppets:
 hen, cat, dog, sheep.  Proverbs 12:14 was shared - "Wise words bring
 many benefits, and hard work many rewards."

Children joined in the repeating lines of "The Little Engine that Could,"
 The Enormous Turnip," and "Llama, Llama Red Pajama."
Action Rhyme: "A Hippopotamus"

Turtle/tortoise craft to accompany story
"The Tortoise and the Hare"

The finished take-home project labeled "Slow and steady wins the race"
 to help them remember "The Tortoise and the Hare."
Youngsters had dramatized"that story with puppets, related to
Ecclesiastes 7:8 - "Finishing is better than beginning.
Patience is better than pride."


Faith International Academy (FIA)

Terra Nova Standardized Testing.       April 3- 6 was Terra Nova Week at FIA. I was on call to help out when / where needed. One morning I administered the Terra Nova to the second grade because their teacher was ill. It was fascinating... at this level the teacher reads each question slowly to the students and they bubble in their answer under the appropriate picture (except for math, they do their calculation on blank paper and bubble in their answer).  

Homeschool and Preschool Storytime - "Letters U and  V"
Several preschool-age children are rather fascinated with our baking soda-vinegar-drops red food coloring and dish detergent volcano during our "Letters U and  V" session of  Homeschool / Preschool Story and Craft Time. When sending me this pic, Mrs. Sharp wrote, "You're the best, Mrs. Watts! We so appreciate the effort you put into making it a fun, learning experience for our little ones!!" Aw, thanks!

Many hours were spent reviewing lists of book requests from staff and students collected since I came to Faith International Academy, looking for best deals on; making carts, adjusting prices on my PC records (seem to change almost daily), going back to get shipping weight of individual items, matching weights and delivery dates to weight available in suitcases and departure dates of people coming to Philippines, shuffling and reshuffling book carts...
 The process is not over, but approximately half the orders (9 shipments from various vendors) are on their way to a U.S. address to be repacked into a suitcase - to arrive this month. I am currently working on the next big batch of books to teachers' family to come to Philippines with summer break return.  I thank God for all the folks who gladly join in behind the scenes to support the education of missionary children.

Birthday Fellowship honoring fellow teacher Miss Lee (front left). 


Christ Fellowship Church (CFC)
The church I regularly attend offers a variety of life and ministry enriching seminars. I try to take them in when my evening and weekend schedule allows.

"Excelling in Relationships" Seminar  -  4.19-20 
The "Excelling in Relationships" Seminar  was led by Pastor David Meengs, author of six books. I went looking for principles that relate to relational evangelism.

Some of Esther Care Group members
at the Excelling in Relationships Seminar.
To revisit  principles of relational evangelism
 and a group study of Becoming a Contagious
 Christian: Six Sessions on Communicating
 Your Faith in a Style that Fits You 
in central
 Florida decades ago, I am enjoying this
 audiobook pictured.  So thankful for my Kindle!

Jesus Strategy Overview -  April 26-28

We worked our way through the manual,  Disciple Making Overview from the Life of Christ. (

Small groups generated lists of our church's outreach programs
 and also a list of needs in the community for comparison.

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