Friday, August 31, 2018

August 2018 Summary

Back to School @ Faith International Academy

FIA 2018-2019  Key Scripture: 
“So that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”  Colossians 1:10


Elementary Chapel: August 15

Fifth grade puppet choir started off the program by lip syncing
 "Walking In the Light Of the Lord".  

"Bible Bee" puppet makes his debut at FIA  via my "Bee Diligent"
script published in Newsy Vents, January/February 1986.
 Dramatizing the book, The Chick and the Duckling,
 Mira Ginsburg
, with toy figures. I discussed
Romans 12:12a – "Don’t copy the behavior and 
customs of this world." 

I also shared two object lessons related to diligence:
 antsProverbs 6:6–8 and penguins - I Cor. 16:13 Be watchful, stand firm in your faith.


 Staff Devos 

My turn to lead staff devotions was August 21st. I asked God what we all needed to hear. A YouTube video popped up that captured my attention and my heart - "This Teacher Was at School When a Brain Surgeon Rang - And it Was A Call That Changed His Life."  After a delicate life altering surgery, the judge patient told his surgeon to call and thank the teacher who had inspired him. The surgeon's high school science teacher had told him after dissecting the spine and brain of a frog that he had the potential to become a surgeon. The student believed him and did just that.

"Bible Bee" read our scripture verse for the morning. Hebrews 10:24-25 - Let us consider how we my spur one another on toward love and good deeds....encouraging one another." BEE AN ENCOURAGER!

I shared briefly of a teacher who helped launch my teaching career. 
Miss Emma Cruise (my 2nd grade teacher) asked me to be her Head Start teacher’s aide the two summers before I went to college. First I was a volunteer after junior year, then I worked a paid teacher aide in Clark County, KY after my H.S. senior year when I was 18. Miss Cruise paid me to do her classroom bulletin boards and the big bulletin board as you walked into the front door of Fannie Bush Elementary School. I went to a Christian college to prepare to be an educational missionary which took on several faces through the decades and I plan to retire as an educational missionary next summer.

Several other teachers told of teachers who had encouraged them. I love hearing such stories!

PRAY – Lord please daily give us sensitivity, wisdom, discernment, and boldness in encouraging students and co-workers around us.


Second Grade Literature Enrichment

I enjoy introducing students to new book arrivals that are processed and ready for circulation. On August 23, I shared with second graders the book, If You Say So, Claude by Joan Lowery Nixon. Their first grade teacher last year, Miss Winslow, had requested I order the title for our library. Glad she did...I found it laugh-out-loud funny the first time I read it, but managed to smother some of my amusement when I read it to the class. They enjoyed it also. Keep those recommendations rolling it.


  Obo  Manobo  Website  Launching 

I am thankful for opportunities to witness history in the making. Mid-August I attended a dedication ceremony on the same compound as my school in which the button was pushed that launched the Obo Manobo website - This website, Obo Manobo Active Language and Community Development Incorporated (OMALRACDI), chronicles the development of the Obo Manobo New Testament and the progress on the Old Testament.


Early Start on Book Trailers

Grace plays librarian shelving books
as "Dewey" rides the book cart.
This school year at Faith International Academy, I chose to have grades 3-4-5 develop book trailers / commercials for videotaping to share with elementary classes early in the school year. Thus other students can benefit from promoted books through the academic year.

Students are invited to use props including stuffed or real animals, puppets, and/or costumes to promote their selected books.  

In the photo above, a kitten in book drop box sets the stage for Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library! by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter, based on a true story. When librarian Vicki Myron found a young kitten abandoned the Spencer (Iowa) Public Library return box, she  and her staff nurse him back to health and he becomes their library cat -"Dewey Readmore Books." Dewey loves his new home, steals hearts of all ages, brightens the days of this small town residents who are pulling their way slowly back from the greatest crisis in the towns long history. Students will dramatize some of Dewey's adventures.


I was asked to pray for the food and blessings on the
birthday lady to my right. Lorna (far right) showed us
around the area, her roots.
Smiles and laughter before, during, and after the tasty food.

90th Birthday Celebration

My landlady Lorna (left pic, far right) invited my roommate (but Naomi was recovering from sickness) and me to join several of her friends in going to Ula in the Tugbok district on August 26th to help her celebrate the 90th birthday of her godmother, Agustina. It warmed my heart that she was excited about the large print devotional book I gave her...what do expect from a librarian author? I enjoy celebrating people and the cultural holidays of the country where I live though I stay away from large crowds for safety.

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