Monday, December 3, 2018

November 2018 Summary

FIA  Elementary Chapel @ Faith International Academy (FIA)

Students enjoy dramatizing children's literature that illustrate various scriptures. On November 7th I shared stories related to THANKS - LIVING and our this year's theme verse - "So that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10

Aesop's fable, "The Lion and the Mouse." 
Zechariah 4:10  - “Who dares despise the day of small things…” 

Aesop's fable, "The Dog and His Reflection" also demonstrated
 the consequences of GREED - the dog lost the bone he had by
trying to snatch what he thought was another dog's bone. We
 discussed how greed is the opposite of thanks living.

Aesop's Fable, "The Boy and the Filberts" - The boy
in the story grabs a large handful of filberts (nuts/marbles) but is unwilling
to let any go so he may enjoy some. Students
quickly recognized GREED as the key issue.

Proverbs 15:27a - A greedy man brings
 trouble to his family
Luke 12:15 Then he said to them, "Watch out!
 Be  on your guard against all kinds of greed
a man's life does not consist in the
 abundance of his possessions."  

Following this Kindle book projected we 
 in who and how God made us.
Philippians 4:11 - Not to speak from want,
 for I have learned to be content 
 in whatever circumstances I am.

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Kangaroo Book Club Storytime
Theme: Thanks  Living  11/3/2018

(same scriptures as used in FIA Chapel)
Just So Thankful. Mercer Mayer illustrated a
 journey to  CONTENTMENT and GRATITUDE for
 family rather than for things. 

  One Teddy Bear is Enough   by Ginnie Hofmann.    "Golden Rule"  Matthew 7:12. Philippians 2:3-5 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 

 The Boy and the Filberts,”  Aesop“Dog and His Reflection”,  both by Aesop,  demonstrated the the shortfalls of greed taught how it is the opposite of thanks-living. Proverbs 15:27a and Luke 12:15.

  The Lion and the Mouse by Aesop demonstrated
deep gratitude for and the value of what we might 
perceive as "little" Zechariah 4:10.
November craft: the lion and the mouse coloring page. Children drew the net trapping the lion and added background.

                                        ACTION SONG: ”If You’re Thankful and You Know It”
                                      If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.  (2x)                                   
Also: stomp your feet. (2x); shout “I am!” (2x)

Usually after storytimes, students from Faith International
Academy read to students, who are working on their English.
I join in the action.

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 2nd Annual KBC Book Workshop

This year, my topics focused on preschool to grade 3:
~ Importance of storytelling
~ Storytelling methods
~ How you can encourage your younger students to read

A veteran elementary teacher focused on grade 4 to grade 6:
~ How you can encourage your younger students to read
~ The reading and writing connection

Small group discussions followed, then participants shared plans to apply principles with the large group. Approximately 60 people came from several parts of the Philippines...via car, motorcycles, trikes, jeepneys, and some partly by boat. 

And the beat goes on...
Starting my presentation focused on Preschool to grade 3

Hanging with teachers from Wireless Elementary.
This is the school to which I accompanied high school Community Service Club students
 this past semester that I coached in character building storytelling at Faith International Academy,

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Accreditation Team Visit

We thank the Lord for a great accreditation visit November 11-15. The team from The Association of Christian Schools International and Western Association of Schools and Colleges is recommending that Faith International School be re-accredited for another 6 years. Praise the Lord!

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International Christian Educators Conference, ACSI in Malaysia       

Most of the conference participants from Faith International Academy in Davao, Philippines. Thank for FIA for sending us! 

This conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia included 340 participants from 53 schools located in Asia, Europe, and Africa.
It was a very enriching conference. Some of the sessions I attended include:

~Pre-conference course: Biblical Integration in the Classroom
~ Bible Alive - Creative Elementary Bible Classrooms
~ Second language Acquisition - What All Teachers Need to Know
~ Publishing Possibilities for Lay People - Your Students and Your Own
~ Why Theater Matters - Developing Character Via Performing Arts
~ Being Different in Your Instruction
~ Reading Right
~ Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning
~JOB ALIKES: Discussions with Librarians

General Sessions were excellent mind stretchers. My favorites:
~ Changing Times, Emerging Trends
~ A Doubters Guide to the Bible
~ A Doubters Guide to Jesus

After a full day of workshop and general sessions
on American Thanksgiving Day, Elementary FIA
 teachers enjoyed pizza, salad, mini ice cream bars,
wonderful fellowship with our sisters in Christ that
included much laughter and fascinating stories.
Thank you elementary team leader for hosting.
We gave thanks with a grateful hearts.
Who needs turkey and pumpkin pie?
~ Why Calling Matters

After the  last  session on the last day of the conference,
a number of us took a train ride to see some sights
of the city. The architecture was so fascinating.
We went to the Twin Towers, Petronas Mall.
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PRAISING GOD that I only have multilevel disc pathology, progression of my disc degeneration rather than cancer. Thankful that an MRI did NOT show any bone metastasis as a previous x-ray impression suggested of lytic lesions. Grateful for a referral to an Orthopedic Rehabilitation doctor who designed a physical therapy program - two weeks of three sessions and ongoing home exercises. I have now lost three inches in height (1/4" since my 2015 cancer journey), but am grateful to be alive and I keep on keeping on (though more slowly, and sometimes with a cane) in various venues of educational ministry to which God has opened doors and to which I feel called during this present season of my life.

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