Thursday, October 15, 2009

FL Minister's Annual Meeting 10-09

The Minister's Annual State Meeting of Florida Church of God was held October 15, 2009 at Crossings Community Church in Sanford.

After worship and voting, State Pastor Dr. Greg Wiens presented “Lessons Learned Leading Life Cycles” (PowerPoint to be posted at I attended the break-out session, “Leading the Urban Congregations through Transformation of their Community” - leading a small urban congregation to turn outward by developing passion for reaching out to the community for God - by Rev. Michael Curry, Senior Pastor at Kendall Community Church of God in Miami.

Between displays about Warner University and International School Project, I set up a missions display inviting folks to partner with me in Cote d'Ivoire ministry. Here Tom Yohe, Regional Recruiter for ISP (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International) recommends three CCCI resources available in French on DVD:
- "Jesus" (
- "The Story of Jesus for Children"
- "Magdalena: Released From Shame" emphasizing that Christ loves and values women (

I thank God for seven contacts for potential missions support, several presentations are a matter of scheduling.

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