Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yaounde Apartment Preview

Folks are asking about my housing in Cameroon. Furnishings are sometimes changed when empty, but this is what the apartment waiting for me looked like last year. Thanks to a teacher who lived here last school year for photos!

Thank you God! Nice apartment. Electricity and running water most of the time. Looking forward to my new home. 

I confess I am experiencing cultural shock right now - sheer lack of storage (small closet wardrobe, no dresser).  

Scripture is speaking to my heart:  “ … I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  … I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, …whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV) 

This reforming pack-rat has a LOT of work in the next week and half. I recognize I need to live simpler / less books and 'stuff'...that IS in process.


My new "HOME SWEET HOME" - lower right apartment

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 2012 WattsLine Newsltter Posted

Every Day

NOTE: My November 2012  WattsLine  
has been posted on the Newsletters page.


Encouraging New Statistics
Departure Date

God's Sovereignty Shines

Saturday, November 17, 2012



Wycliffe exists to eradicate Bible poverty so that all language communities will have the opportunity to be transformed by God’s Word and ultimately reflect God’s glory.

In pursuit of that vision, there are a few numbers that we watch in the pursuit of our God-given mission – Vision 2025—to see a Bible translation in progress in every language community needing it by 2025.  One number we watch is the number of language communities still needing Scriptures translated, and where no program has been started.

For the first time ever, that number has dropped below 2,000!  The new translation need number is 1,967—worth celebrating!  For the first time there are more translation programs in progress than there are translation needs.  With a world population of over 7 billion, the number of people without access to God’s Word in the language that serves them best is now approximately 209 million.  More people have more access to Scripture than in any previous generation.

What you do matters.  You, prayer and financial support teams, are participating in something never before witnessed.  Every generation before us saw the numbers increasing as more and more languages were discovered, and more translation needs were verified.  Now that trend has been reversed.  The finish line is in sight, and the last translator for the last Bible translation program is alive somewhere in the world today.

By God’s grace, people who are young adults today will see the fulfillment of the Great Commission as speakers of every language are given the chance to hear and engage with God’s Word—the opportunity to respond to His invitation to follow Him bringing in God’s Kingdom.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Preparation for Departure Full Steam Ahead

Preparation for departure to Cameroon takes many forms.

- A one-way ticket has been purchased - for departure Tuesday, January 8 @ 1:58 PM from Orlando and arrival Wed., Jan. 9 @ 7:15 PM in Yaounde, Cameroon, via Washington DC and Brussels Belgium.

-Treadmill on “incline” at county employee wellness center = prep for hill I will climb each day to go to school. Double the time benefit by practicing French words with CD / headphones.

-Much sorting and pruning, labeled boxes lining spare bedroom for going to several states, churches, individuals. 59 years of things to deal many books and teaching resources. Selling some things; giving a LOT away.  See "Things Needing a NEW HOME" to  help me out. 

On the Agenda:
-Closing on sale of condo by Dec. 14
-Visit family in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee
-Fly from Orlando to Cameroon on Jan. 8

Saturday, November 3, 2012

GiveBack - Operation Christmas Child 2012

Volunteers receive instructions before the GiveBack event
What fun it was to volunteer today at the 5th Annual GiveBack event today sponsored by Life Disability Network in partnership with Operation Christmas Child-Florida. This 10 AM - 2 PM event at Central Florida Academy on Good Holmes in Orlando allows individuals with disabilities and their families a chance to give to children in Third World countries a gift box for Christmas.

The Central Florida disability community was invited to fill shoe boxes onsite with school supplies, toiletries, toys, candy, small clothing items, etc. as an expression of their desire to give back. The event included many activities to further those attending such as face painting, cookie decorating, and Christmas caroling.

Cameroon is a country that receives Operation Christmas Child gift boxes.

Marsha Hanshew, Kay, and Brittany Warth
Kay and Saundra Price
A surprise treat today was meeting and talking with Roger, a Wycliffe Bible translation consultant for his mother tongue language in Chad, Central Africa. The New Testament in Roger's mother tongue is to be dedicated in Chad on December 29.  Roger received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox in Chad when he was four years old.