Friday, November 16, 2012

Preparation for Departure Full Steam Ahead

Preparation for departure to Cameroon takes many forms.

- A one-way ticket has been purchased - for departure Tuesday, January 8 @ 1:58 PM from Orlando and arrival Wed., Jan. 9 @ 7:15 PM in Yaounde, Cameroon, via Washington DC and Brussels Belgium.

-Treadmill on “incline” at county employee wellness center = prep for hill I will climb each day to go to school. Double the time benefit by practicing French words with CD / headphones.

-Much sorting and pruning, labeled boxes lining spare bedroom for going to several states, churches, individuals. 59 years of things to deal many books and teaching resources. Selling some things; giving a LOT away.  See "Things Needing a NEW HOME" to  help me out. 

On the Agenda:
-Closing on sale of condo by Dec. 14
-Visit family in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee
-Fly from Orlando to Cameroon on Jan. 8

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