Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sharing Testimony @ RFIS - "Joy Is A Choice"

On 8/15/2013, the message "RFIS chapel speakers" was posted on the "Yaounde mailing list" for the broader missionary community. (RFIS =  Rain Forest International School, grades 7-12)

Would you or someone you know be willing to share from God's Word or your testimony in an RFIS chapel?
When: Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 (speaker has the second 30 minutes)
Where: RFIS auditorium

Who: You or a pastor or friend who has sound biblical beliefs and lifestyle
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I've long heard the quote,  "Without a test, there can be no testimony."   

I did pass the info on to a wonderful short-term missionary who celebrated her 8Oth birthday in Cameroon. At her birthday party she was asked to talk a little about her 80 years and she shared a powerful story of God's protection, provision, and sustaining presence. She agreed to speak at RFIS...but  I strongly sensed God telling me, "That invitation is for also for YOU, KW."  

No problem, I enjoy public speaking. The question was which testimony to share...I have certainly had many tests in 60 years and have witnessed God doing the Romans 8:28 thing numerous times. I have often experienced Isaiah 55:8 - "For my thoughts are not your thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways..."  I  thank God for his grace, guidance, protection,  provision, and presence in my life. 

I asked God which of my many 'tests' might be most helpful for these students to hear and assist  them now and/or to prepare them for life. God led me to share "Joy Is A Choice" Even during the heartbreaking times of our lives when changing the circumstances is totally beyond our control… we can still experience joy --an inner calm,  a peace, an intense gratitude for Christ’s presence in our lives. I first told about the time I chose joy prior to being orphaned on Christmas morning 39 years ago. I also described my struggles in losing my father as a teen when joy was not my choice, not even on my radar of thoughts, but how I grew into  that deep inner peace with God’s help. I concluded with lessons learned, - 3 major keys to crash your own pity-parties and deal with various kinds of loss. 

Before going to RFIS, I heard of several students there who have experienced loss of parents less than a year ago. After sharing I had the privilege of praying with a brother and sister, and I continue praying for all of the students.

This testimony was emotionally difficult to prepare and to present, but I know that God wants to use our growth through painful experiences to encourage others through similar situations (Romans 8:28). That is my heartfelt desire and prayer. My remarks shared at RFIS, somewhat expanded, are posted @ "Joy Is A Choice" or click on the tab above. Added are extra resources/links - related songs, scriptures, articles, etc. Choosing joy is an ongoing challenge through life that pleases God and benefits many, most powerfully ourselves.

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