Saturday, August 29, 2015

“A Bump in the Road” Update

My lumpectomy on July 13 at the 0SU James Cancer Hospital in Columbus, Ohio went well. THANK YOU for your prayers!

At my post-op appointment, I received the final pathology report that we had been praying for - NO CANCER IN MY LYMPH NODES. My surgeon called for oncotype testing of my small cancerous tumor to determine if chemotherapy would be beneficial in preventing reoccurrence of that tumor. I finally received oncotype test results August 13 and NO CHEMO IS NEEDED. The same day I started an oral med to help prevent reoccurence.

The following week I received a scan, got markings, was scheduled for 16 radiation treatments beginning September 2nd. Praying for minimal side effects from radiation and the inhibitor drug.

My oncologist, surgeon, and radiologist all consider it do-able for me to return to Cameroon in January. A dear missionary friend and financial partner responded to my Facebook announcement of doctors' approval to go back to Cameroon with 
      “So happy about this! Obviously God has more up His sovereign sleeve for you in Cameroon.” 
The Facebook response (as of 8/25: 238 “likes; 73 comments, and 2 Shares) to this announcement was so heartwarming and affirming. Thanks, friends!

I am seeking to improve my limited French language skills during medical leave and taking in several health related seminars to strengthen myself for Cameroon. Coming post: “Making Progress by Sticking Out My Neck…Like the Turtle”

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