Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fork in the Road

It is with heavy, but yet expectant heart I share that Global Missions informed me that my current assignment as a missionary apprentice to Cote d’Ivoire has been withdrawn due to lack of funding.

I want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for the many prayers, the donations and Living Link commitments, the various expressions of support and encouragement during the fund raising process. My life is far richer because of the many new and strengthened relationships along this journey. God is working good through those relationships, and I know that will continue. Mutual support and encouragement in ministry are powerful.

Let me stress that is not the end of the road, only a fork in the road of my journey in missions. I strongly believe that the Global Missions journey thus far is only part of a bigger journey. Romans 8:28. It is my conviction that God has something else for me - other doors in educational missions He will open that could not have been reached if I had not taken this journey thus far. God cannot drive a parked car. I'm being tested on my faithfulness, obedience, and perseverance.

God put on my heart that He has blessed me so I can be a blessing to other missionaries working to raise support by encouraging folks to transfer support. God also told me to take action on that and I have – last week making a personal contribution to Dave and Bonnie Baylor’s and also Ernie and Lori Nicholas’ start-up funds -- all missionary apprentices preparing for assignments in Africa. May I please encourage you to also contribute, or even better- become a Living Link partner as God directs you? It is a joy and privilege to be a “sender!”

I am embracing the role of a mobilizer, of being instrumental in sending others. Two supportive mobilizer opportunities start in January: I have accepted an invitation to a grading supervisor as well as a grader of weekly reviews for the Spring 2010 Titusville FL class of “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”. This is an awesome 15-week course in over 200 locations in the USA plus worldwide.  I also plan to go back to helping periodically with the library at H.E.A.R.T. (Hunger Education and Resource Training) Institute in Lake Wales which prepares people to serve in third world countries.

Donors and Living Link partners have been sent two letters regarding the withdrawal of my assignment. I want each person/church to respond as you sense God directing you. My earnest prayer is that donors/Living Links will transfer both donations and pledges to long-term missionary apprentices Dave and Bonnie Baylor (commissioned with me 18 months ago; profile; website) to help enable them to go to Africa early 2010. I desire for my many miles, emails, phone calls and letters to be fruitful for kingdom building via church leadership development in Africa, therein be multiplied.

       (DONORS: Be aware that the option to have your funds remain in a Global Missions account for me to go to IBAO / West African Bible Institute for a short term trip in 2010 is proving not to be realistic. I appreciate that option offered, but my potential 3-week blocks of time off do not coincide with the schedule of IBAO modules for me to teach.
       12/11: Just became aware of "possibilities" for short-term work in Kenya and Malawi. However, after prayer on my knees asking God for discernment and help to "keep the main thing the main thing" (kingdom building), reminding myself it's not about me....God reminded me He had already given me perspective and instruction that night  before Thanksgiving when I came to a point of peace and acceptance of the possibility that my C.I. assignment might not come to fruition. I told my accountability partner, "If my assignment falls through, I definitely will encourage folks to transfer my support to Baylors, who are ready to go, but for sufficient funding. "
       I had the repeated thought that my funds being used to help to send other missionaries long-range would have more kingdom impact than me going to Africa for a few weeks in 2010.  I asked the Global Missions Africa Regional Coordinator to think big picture and be candid as RC,... in these tough economic times, what would be better use of kingdom dollars - getting Baylors...for long-term service in Kenya OR my service short-term. He replied, "I think there would be greater value for the overall mission effort if you would just give the funds that are not requested by donors to the Baylors. We truly need them at KIST as soon as possible." He also said "You are valued.... God just has other plans for you. Trust Him and see what will happen.
       Donors and Living Links - Please contact the Global Missions office by December 22, 2009. Again, my prayer is that donors/Living Link partners transfer both donations and pledges to long-term missionary apprentices Dave and Bonnie Baylor or to whoever God directs you. It is genuinely my privilege and honor to be instrumental in helping get much needed missionaries to the field.

Full steam ahead with my serving as a mobilizer right now... Baylors, Nicholas, (God is giving me ideas of various ways to support both) Perspectives, H.E.A.R.T.  

Thank you for being a part of this very exciting continuing journey! I welcome questions, feedback, and suggestions.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Public School Teach-in

   “Service is the rent you pay for the space you take up on earth.”

I consider it important for Christians to reach out and give back to the community where God has planted us. Actually, I think everyone should find some way to serve their community. I can't do that as much as I'd like to during this season of my life, but I enjoyed such an opportunity on a recent day off.

On Friday November 20, I served as an "Honorary Teacher"  for approx. 180 first graders in  Seminole County Public Schools Teach-In 2009, a part of American Education Week. After showing African artifacts including the Cote d’Ivoire flag and mentioning my October 2007 trip there during three 30-minute sessions, I shared two African folktales plus five other stories, several being classics. Students were involved via puppets, props, and group participation. Stories were chosen that illustrate a character topic. (In parentheses are scripture I have in past or might use if presenting these stories in a church/Christian school class. Hopefully this can be helpful to children's workers.)

It Takes a Village, Jane Cowan-Fletcher - TEAMWORK  (1 Cor. 3:6)  Based on African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child."

“How Spider Got His Thin Middle,” Small World Celebrations, Jean Warren GREED (Proverbs 15:27)

The Chick and the Duckling, Mirra Ginsburg - DON’T COPY ALL BEHAVIOR  (Romans 12:12a NLT)

Hurry Granny Annie. Arlene Alda - Appreciation of NATURE   (Psalm 65:8)

The Little Red Hen, [RIGHT pic] Paul Galdone - WORK ETHIC  (Proverbs 12:14)

My Friend and I. Lisa Jahn-Clough. – SHARING   (Hebrews 13:16)

“The Tortoise and the Hare,” [LEFT pic] Aesop’s Fables - PATIENCE / PERSERVERANCE   (Ecclesiastes 7: 8)
From First Grade teacher, D.M.:
"I truly thought it went very well. It was definitely age appropriate and the stories were excellent. The students really enjoyed the interaction and they seemed to really like the stories. We got lots of good feedback from the students and teachers. Thanks again so much for everything."

Thursday, November 26, 2009


"Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself."
                       Author: Unknown

It has been a quiet day at home, resting to recover from a flare-up of bronchitis that has hindered my functioning on and off for several weeks. With a low-grade fever last night with the flare-up (no fever before), I knew I had to heed one doctor’s instruction to stay home away from people and rest, despite dinner invitation. I’m not alone - four co-workers have had/are having respiratory issues this month, but I must recoup from mine and that calls for rest. Psalm 37:7 tells us to “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”

A different (juice fast till 5 p.m., then I put a whole bulb of garlic into one box of stovetop dressing) Thanksgiving day as a couch potato, but a blessed one. It was blessed by phone calls from family and friends, time in prayer, Bible reading, and extra time to thank God for my many blessings, and extra needed sleep. Among those blessings, I thank God for the encouragement and support of family and friends, the many new friends / ministry colleagues met along this new journey in missions, and for the precious promises given to us, like Romans 8:28 “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  This is the day the Lord has made...I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Faithful Friends Nursing Home Ministry

It was my blessing to be the September Drawing Winner of Faithful Friends Nursing Home Ministry whose mission is to encourage and equip Christians who minister to the confined elderly.

As the September Drawing Winner, I received: "Song for Grandmother" Ministering to the Elderly DVD/Book set , the book "Nursing Home Ministry - Where Hidden Treasures Are Found", and Living With Purpose in a Worn Out Body Devotional. Signed up for newsletter, "In the Garden with Jesus and Friends" was included. I am also grateful for a copy of NIV Seniors Devotional Bible, Our Hymn Book for Seniors CD and booklet, and Christian Christmas Carols booklet.

I was asked to share a little about my involvement with nursing home ministry, which is posted @ Kay Watts Nursing Home Ministry. I shared my Guidelines for Nursing Home Outreach, developed from 12 years of taking children to nursing homes. The pic above (approx. 7 years ago) is typical  - children playing balloon volleyball while my sidekick "Grandma Gracie" shakes hands and greets residents, following children lip sync of puppets to Christian songs and hymn sing-along with rhythm instruments.  

I look forward to sharing these resources with others involved in ministry with the confined elderly, plus also use them to fine-tune and enhance my nursing home ministry which is rather limited during this season of my life.
11/18 Update: The resources have been passed on to a lady who feels very much called to follow in the footsteps of her father's visitation ministry, and has begun that journey with plans to include her granddaughter. I pray God's blessings on visitation ministry of Marsha and Melanie.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Village View Community Church, Summerfield FL

I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Ministry Fair at Village View Community Church in Summerfield FL ( October 31 - November 1. This outreach / missions event showcased various church ministries and area service opportunities, plus several international ministries invited participation and support. This is truly an Acts 1:8 church.  IMHO, the multifaceted witnessing and serving to meet so many kinds of needs helps explain a part of why God has blessed this church with such mushrooming growth.

It was my privilege to share with the "World Missions" class an overview of Church of God Ministries Global Missions history and strategy in addition to my "Journey Back to Cote d'Ivoire" presentation. I appreciate receiving a copy of their class book, World Missions Today, What You Should Know About Global Ministries, Evangelical Training Association,

Great weekend of fellowship. Outstanding sermon by Pastor Marty Shea, "Love Is Not Easily Angered" - How Do You Tame Your Temper? I enjoyed reconnecting with several former fellow seminarians and their spouses. It was a delight getting acquainted Pastor Keith and Shannon Stepp, Community Outreach and Missions who are committed to helping Village View find and use strategic methods of reaching out to their communities and the world. Thank you for your generous hospitality. Thanks to Gene Gossman, Wycliffe Associates, for the photo.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

FL Minister's Annual Meeting 10-09

The Minister's Annual State Meeting of Florida Church of God was held October 15, 2009 at Crossings Community Church in Sanford.

After worship and voting, State Pastor Dr. Greg Wiens presented “Lessons Learned Leading Life Cycles” (PowerPoint to be posted at I attended the break-out session, “Leading the Urban Congregations through Transformation of their Community” - leading a small urban congregation to turn outward by developing passion for reaching out to the community for God - by Rev. Michael Curry, Senior Pastor at Kendall Community Church of God in Miami.

Between displays about Warner University and International School Project, I set up a missions display inviting folks to partner with me in Cote d'Ivoire ministry. Here Tom Yohe, Regional Recruiter for ISP (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International) recommends three CCCI resources available in French on DVD:
- "Jesus" (
- "The Story of Jesus for Children"
- "Magdalena: Released From Shame" emphasizing that Christ loves and values women (

I thank God for seven contacts for potential missions support, several presentations are a matter of scheduling.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Missions Cookbook - Christmas shop early!

“Taste and See” cookbook has been published by the Women’s Ministry @ First Church of God, Cape Coral FL (both my Living Link Partners). Proceeds from the cookbook go toward local and foreign missions.

The hardback “Taste and See” cookbook contains 200 recipes, scriptures on divider pages, plus 24 pages of cooking terms, tips, and measurements. Recipes are from local church members, National WCG President Che-Che Moberly, and others.

International recipes from missionaries:
~ Don Deena Caldwell – Middle Eastern Meatballs
~ Kay Critser / Africa – Yams Tomatoes and Onion Sauce,
          Tanzanian Fried Cabbage and Meat
~ Karen and Jon Lambert /Ecuador – Locro Papa /
           Potato Soup
~ LeAnn Sellers - West African Peanut Sauce

(Included is my 3rd generation family specialty - apple dumplings.)

COST: $12. + $3. Shipping.
Make check payable to “Women of the Church of God”

ORDERS: Send to Fran Mahoney
2213 Country Club Blvd.
Cape Coral FL 33990

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Church of God Ministries invites you to join a new social networking site on the Internet designed specifically for the Church of God family. MyCHOG offers users similar functionality to that offered by sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Using technology, the church can now span geographical distances and come together in the virtual realm to strengthen our relational connectivity.

“It is all about building and strengthening our community within the Church of God,” said David Farlow, chief of strategic communications for Church of God Ministries. “This site is specifically designed to help improve fellowship, worship, networking, and communication to foster greater relational connectivity across the movement. ...”

MyCHOG offers those associated with the church the opportunity to join interest groups, participate in discussion forums, establish personal blogs, share photos and videos, and much more.

I encourage you to consider becoming part of this online family. You can experience MyCHOG by visiting If you join, invite me to be your 'friend' and then you can have easier access to my missions related photos, etc.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Communication breakthrough - video Skype

A huge praise report in the support raising process of my journey back to Cote d’Ivoire is the big breakthrough - Skype, which enables me to communicate free via computer video with churches, missions committees, individuals anywhere. That opens up much potential with my limited ability to travel.

Skype is simple to use. You need a computer, preferably with video. Simply download free Skype software @ and set up your skype account with Skype name. Enter my Skype name, kay.watts53.

Talk with your pastor/missions committee. Contact me - about your interest in a Skype conversation. We can set a specific time for video conference with your missions committee or church. We need to practice several times ahead to make sure connections are working well.

Peter Hall @ Mt. Sterling KY - First Church of God, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky will be glad to call others and tell them how to Skype me into church services, etc.
I look forward to sharing about my exciting missions assignment with you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reflections - "Blessed to be a blessing"

Saturday evening as I returned to Orlando from my uncle’s funeral in Indiana, past these beautiful clouds, the scripture “blessed to be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-8 ) echoed in my heart and mind.

Last weekend in less than 24 hours, I lost two uncles, Alex & Roscoe. Their deaths marked the passing of two generations of ordained ministers in my family: Rev. Charles I. Snowden, Kentucky (Mom’s father) and Dr. Rev. Roscoe Snowden, Indiana (Mom’s brother).

In my extended family, I was blessed by the presence and influence of Rev. Alex Adams, Arkansas (Mom’s brother-in-law), and Dr. Rev. Nellie Snowden, Indiana (Mom’s sister-in-law).

I have always counted myself deeply blessed by this rich heritage of ministers plus other relatives on both Mom’s and Dad’s side of family, plus pastors and teachers who have set and continue to set an example of faithful service to God over the years.

I began my Christian Education ministry in ninth grade as an assistant Sunday School teacher, first grade. Educational missions is my calling and passion, drawn to focus on the education part of the Great Commission. Mom's generation and her parents' generation have passed from this earth, but I returned home through those clouds with a new fervency to serve and be a blessing as God has uniquely called and equipped me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Perspectives Coordinators Training

July 10-11: Perspectives Coordinators Training class was held at Wycliffe Bible Translators headquarters in Orlando. Our trainer was Sundee Simmons (first row, far right), Perspectives Regional Director for MD/DC/VA.

I was encouraged by the coordinator of my spring "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" class to take coordinators training to be prepared to assist with such a ministry in Africa. This coordinator training class was exhilarating and inspiring.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

NAC 09 - Blast from the Past – Reminder of God’s Provision

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out." James Bryant Conant, US chemist, diplomat, & educator (1893 - 1978)

One of the best parts of the North American Convention of the Church of God each year is seeing old friends, fellow students, former professors, pastors, and colleagues in ministry. I was delighted to see a colleague for the first time in several decades – my former Tri-S team mate, Denise. As we reminisced traveling 3000+ miles without a car, Denise remarked, “I can’t believe we did that.” That was quite a stretch for me also, a faith-testing experience. Here’s the lowdown:

Jesus sent out his disciples and 72 others in pairs to share and serve. Likewise in the early 70’s Anderson College (now Anderson University) Tri-S program called ‘Student Summer Service’ (now called ‘Study, Share, Serve’/international only) included sending out student teams of two on domestic tours to serve in youth camps, Bible schools, and camp meetings. I applied for a summer 1972 U.S. tour expecting to be matched with someone who had a car. Denise did the same. We were paired together and assigned an itinerary of Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, and Michigan. We had the option of finding transportation or letting the assignment go to other students. We both strongly felt God calling us to that service program that summer, stuck out our necks trusting God to provide each step of the way, and He did!

It was indeed one step at a time. We were able to line up most arrangements before starting, but not everything. Three days before we needed to travel approx. 500 miles from Yellow Creek Lake Camp in Indiana to Michigan, we had no earthly ideas how we would get there. We prayed – big time... asked around, made calls, and God provided via the guest speaker for the Michigan Camp Meeting.

That summer’s stepping out in faith and experiencing God’s provision step-by-step helped give me the courage to stick out my neck in faith and say yes to the invitation to go to Cote D’Ivoire for October 2007 to catalog French books for the West African Bible Institute library and lead a 2-day Christian Education Seminar. I confess there were many a “yes, but” – but I don’t know French, but I don’t have the money, and more. God provided and helped me accomplish the tasks with the help of many folks.

Having experienced God’s provision for transportation for the 3000+ miles during summer 1972 and October 2007 in Cote d’Ivoire gave me the courage to again stick out my neck in faith for the even bigger challenge to accept Sherman and Kay Critser’s invitation to join them as a career missionary in West Africa. I continue to stick out my neck in the humongous task of raising missionary support and invite your partnership.


A summary of the 1972 experience of God's provision went around the world in the devotional booklet, Pathways to God, Winter 2005-2006, p.16:

God Provides

Thursday, December 15 ~ READ Luke 1:26-38
For nothing is impossible with God. --Luke 1:37

In 1972 I applied to work in church camps and vacation Bible schools through a summer program coordinated by the college I attended. My partner and I found, however, that we were responsible to find transportation to our work sites. Arranging for travel that covered over three thousand miles seemed impossible.

Many individuals in the Bible were faced with tasks far more overwhelming than mine. Nevertheless, people such as Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Paul, and Mary found that God is able to provide a way when there seems to be no way.

My partner and I decided to be obedient and to trust God to help us work out the details. Throughout the summer transportation was provided by a variety of people: an uncle, a boyfriend, an evangelist, and others. Thank God for the marvelous ways he provides, even when we think we have run out of options.

Trust God at all times.

NAC 2009 - This & That

The 2009 North American Convention of the Church of God, Anderson Indiana June 26-July 1 was another whirlwind of activities. Some highlights not in mentioned in other NAC posts include:

-New Missionary Orientation - June 26

-Nightly Worship Service @ Madison Park Church yielded wonderful singing and outstanding speakers. Wed. evening I participated in the missionary processional prior to the commissioning service & served as an anointer. On Demand Streaming Archive of evening services is available @

-Workshop Led: Children's Literature in Christian Education - Jesus the master storyteller often taught with parables, “earthly stories with heavenly meanings.” In this interactive workshop on June 30, I demonstrated how to use children’s literature as the earthly stories to teach scriptural character and other Biblical principles. I provided a list of books, scriptures, class participation ideas and free online supplemental resources.

Seminars Attended: Feminine Art of Preaching; Feminine Art of Leading.

Visiting with children at Kid's Place

Food & Fellowship: WCG Prayer Breakfast; Anderson University Heritage Dinner; Christian Educators Luncheon; Franco Lunch; Dessert for Former Missionaries & Missionaries; Living Link Appreciation

-International Conversation following NAC. This July 2 event to focused on international partnership in leadership development.


A special THANK YOU to "Living Link" partner Judy Lighty for her gracious hospitality during the week plus her ongoing support and encouragement. It was a delight to get better acquainted with Judy as well as with missionaries Ron and Alta Ruth Jack whom Judy also hosted.

Also special THANKS to Bonnie Newell for her willingness to send me a copy of her doctoral writing project "Leadership Development for Teacher Training in Church of God Congregations in Africa." I anticipate using that to teach the "Christian Education" module at the West African Bible Institute.

Monday, July 6, 2009

NAC 09 - Reunion with 3 Ivorian Pastors

It was a delight to have three pastors from Côte d’Ivoire at the North American Convention of the Church of God: Pastor Soukalo from Platform village, Pastor Daniel - French CBH speaker and teacher at West African Bible Institute, and Pastor Emmanuel from Korhogo Church of God. I appreciate Pastor Daniel serving as interpreter at my 2-day Christian Education Seminar in Yamoussoukro during October 2007.

CBH (Christians Broadcasting Hope) ViewPoint Live Taping. Hosts Rev. Jim Lyons and Jennifer Wilson interviewed CBH French speaker Pastor Daniel N’Goran with missionary Rev. Larry Sellers serving as interpreter. Some of us NAC guests had the privilege of sitting in on this taping as the studio audience.

Côte d’Ivoire ministry team at NAC 09 Family Funfest Global Mainstreet. First row: Pastor Daniel, Pastor Soukalo, missionary-elect Kay Watts, Pastor Emmanuel, missionaries/regional coordinators Sherman & Kay Critser; second row: missionary Larry Sellers and son Lee.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

NAC 09 - Family Funfest Global Mainstreet

North American Convention of the Church of God, Anderson IN
Sat. 6/27: Family Funfest Global Mainstreet, 10 AM-2 PM.

To help celebrate 100 years of foreign missions, missionaries staffed experiential stations: bank, bookstore, food store, church, cinema, clothing store, craft store, music store, park, and school.

At the bookstore tent, I presented two African folktales. In the picture above, I am sharing the book, It Takes a Village based on African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child" with audience chiming in on a repeated phrase. Children discovered consequences of greed as they dramatized the story, "Why Spiders Have a Thin Middle" with felt hand puppets.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fishers of Men - Venice FL

Church: Venice First Church of God
Pastor: Rev. Ron Fichtenberg
Date: May 31, 2009

After sharing my "Journey Back to Cote d'Ivoire" PowerPoint presentation during morning worship, the youngsters and I went to Children's Church. First there was a "West African Children" PowerPoint which included learning some French phrases and ended with singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and a Q & A time.

We then explored what "Fishers of Men" meant in general and how children can be fishers of men plus several Bible learning activities. In photos above the girls and boys race to put together a felt fish jigsaw puzzle of the memory verse - "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." - Matthew 4:19

Following lunch together I field tested my new interactive workshop for the June North American Convention of the Church of God - "Children's Literature in Christian Education." Thank you Venice FChoG for you wonderful participation in the workshop, for your hospitality, and for your offering for my start-up budget.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Praise Report - no malignancy

Praise the Lord! “No indication of malignancy.” SWEET MUSIC to my ears.

Thirty-three days from diagnostic mammogram and sonogram with immediate notification of calcification cluster abnormality, being told 20% chance of beginning cancer until surgical biopsy results.

Much practice in waiting on the Lord, learning the power of praise and scriptures to give strength and peace. Here are some of the scriptures that strengthened me during those waiting days:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4 (hard to stomach, but empowering!)

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

My favorite praise song is "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." BTW, multiple interpretations of “I'll Praise You in this Storm” / Casting Crowns are on

Monday, April 20, 2009

Perspectives Course & Strength from God's Word

Perspectives is a course being taught in Bible Schools, Seminaries, and churches around the world and also online. Covering the Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic Perspectives, this course challenges every believer to understand and commit to fulfilling God's mandate. (

This awesome 15 week course Perspectives Study Program is a ministry of the U.S. Center for World Missions. I am participating in the January 11- May 3 Indialantic, FL (Melbourne area) course on Sunday nights when I'm not traveling to share my missions assignment and raise support. It's a combination of speakers, readings, reviews, and an integrative project. This is a life altering experience to study how God’s call to missions started with Abraham in Genesis and runs through the Bible to Revelation.
I have enjoyed and been blessed by each of our speakers, but the one that has impacted my missionary prep and inspired me the most was Chuck Walton (pic) with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Philadelphia. What pierced my heart was how scripture sustained him during his 23 days of captivity and repeated threats of death after being seized by Muslim extremists in 1993 while working as a language researcher with the Summer Institute of Linguistics in the Philippines. Mr. Walton was translating the New Testament into the Samal language when he was seized by gunmen on the island of Pangutaran.

God gave to both his wife Janice (at that time in the U.S.) and him Psalm 27 - the whole Psalm, but especially verses 1, 12, 13, and 14 helped sustain them.

Walton also referred in class to Psalm 139:7-12, Isa. 26:3, Psalm 23 and Psalm 1, as well as Proverbs 21:1.

In Charles Walton's own words from an email: "What a blessing it is to have these passages hidden in the heart so they can help us in our time of need as well as just for meditation purposes. I also thought my way through whole passages that I was familiar with but had not memorized. It is good to learn to think ones way through a book of the Bible."

For decades I've incorporated memory verses into my Christian Education ministry and that will definitely continue - with all ages. I am reminded of one of the morning devotional times at my October 2007 CE Seminar with Ivorian pastors and church leaders. I read 2 Timothy 3:16, then asked folks to share a favorite scripture and a "brief" story illustrating how it has impacted their life. It took 1 hour 45 minutes for 13 people to share the power of one scripture each...a rich, precious time together.

I must significantly prune my resource collection before going back to Cote d'Ivoire, but I sense God telling me to hold on to many of my Bible memorization resources. I also sense God nudging me to update my old “Scripture Memory Alive” workshop, combine it with the 2007 creative teaching methods training I did Cote d’Ivore to have available to share in the U.S.

Strength via Praying Scriptures

A song many of us learned as a child declares, "Read your Bible, pray everyday...and you'll grow, grow, grow."
How true! We all know that prayer and reading/meditating on God's Word are the foundations of a vital, growing relationship with Christ...the source of spiritual strength and stamina.

Put them together... pray the scripture into your that's real power.

A resource I highly recommend is the book, The Power of Praying Through the Bible by Stormie Omartian to help develop this habit that yields spiritual encouragement and strength.

Omartian journeys with readers from Genesis to Revelation and reveals how God designed prayer so that they can: communicate with Him, embrace the promises of Scripture; release burdens to God’s care; walk with Jesus daily; listen to the Spirit’s leading Stormie brings home the truths and the wonder of God’s promises. In each devotion, Omartian gives lists a scripture passage, gives a focus verse, a brief commentary, and prayer applying the verse to our lives.

This book is a tremendous blessing to me. I often read it on breaks at work, and have given copies as gifts.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kentucky and Tennessee 3/29 - 4/5/2009

It was my privilege to share my call to missions and progress in the journey back to Cote d’Ivoire as a career missionary between March 29 and April 5 at these churches:

~Sun., 3/29: First Church of God, Morehead KY
~Sun., 3/29: First Church of God, Winchester KY (Home Church)
~Wed., 4/1: First Church of God, Greenville TN
~Thurs., 4/2: Meade Station Church of God WCG, Ashland KY
~Sat., 4/4: No. KY First Church of God WCG, Erlanger KY, Living Link
~Sun., 4/5: Larchmont Church of God, Louisville KY

What a joy to see Christ working through His faithful followers and learn of various ways folks are being His witnesses in their pantry, clothes closet and other service/outreach efforts, radio program, prep for a big Easter drama, Christian schools, fascinating relevant small group/class topics, dynamic preaching and vision casting...and much more. God is blessing His people and making them a blessing in a multitude of ways. Thank you for your warm welcomes and generous hospitality.

This series of visits was extra special because I got to share my missions story with my home church at Winchester and at other churches with some folks who had known my parents and Grandpa & Grandma Snowden.

It was a special treat to have lunch gathering with some of the Watts family (pic) and visit others. Thanks for your support and hospitality.

I drove 2990 miles in less than 10 1/2 days. It was Lexington, KY to Casselberry FL on Monday, then back to the library Tuesday morning to present a storytime program. I thank God for His traveling mercies and felt the power of prayers during that last tiring stretch.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bye Bye "Peter Rabbit"

One challenging part of foreign missions preparation is letting go of belongings, but is much easier when you know of the pleasure they bring to others. Rather than a temporary critter sitter for "Peter Rabbit" during 10 1/2 days of recent support raising travel in Kentucky and Tennessee, I opted go ahead and let him go. Library system coworker Gail had offered to adopt Peter Rabbit when I return to Cote D'Ivoire.

My charcoal gray furry little companion of 14 years is beloved by many. In past years Peter assisted me in storytimes, substituting for my greeter puppet before and after programs. Parents even called in to ask when Peter would be there next. This very docile Netherland dwarf was also a regular part my children's ministry nursing home outreach visitation ministry for ten years and also numerous individual nursing home visits when I carried him around in a black hat or old purse. Donna from my church said holding Peter helped her heart slow down. Twila, a former 80+ neighbor would stop by for a dose of Peter (doctor's instructions to get a pet to help lower her blood pressure, but too busy to adopt her own animal).

Thanks Gail for taking great care of my little buddy and giving him the TLC he deserves!

Pruning more than 50 years accumulation of belongings is a humongous task, but one peels an onion one layer at a time or eats an elephant one bite at a time. I thank God for the invitation from a co-worker to participate in her sub-division's community yard sale April 18 and my church's clothing giveaway at auto maintenance service project March 21 - opportunities with deadlines along the way to help peel off layers of my huge onion. Diligence and obedience are key for steady progress in order to be ready when the time comes to go.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FL Women's Retreat

2009 Church of God
Women's Retreat
FFA Leardership Training Center, Haines City FL
March 13-15, 2009

Theme: "Once Upon a Time" The Greatest Story Ever Told - "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" Hebrews 12:2
I shared about my missions assignment and the expanding ministry in West Africa on Saturday morning, March 15 and had a display up the entire weekend. Several ladies told me they would contact me to come speak at their church.
It was an uplifting weekend with guest speaker Ginger Kolbaba, editor of "Today's Christian Woman" and "Marriage Partnership online."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Orlando / Bithlo FL

Church: New Covenant Church of God of Central FL
Pastor: Rev. Charles Baxter
Date: March 8, 2009

For this presentation I was asked to include children of West Africa, so I added additional children's photos from my 2007 trip. I concluded my part with leading the congregation in singing "Let Us Pray for All the Children" (tune: "Jesus Loves the Little Children"). That led to a calling the children to the front and the the singing of "I Am a Promise." Teens stood where they were, congregation lifted our hands toward both groups for a prayer "Blessing of Children". What a beautiful act of worship and affirmation!

I thank God for this church's outreach to community via "Harvest of Hope" food distribution and for annual missions trips by several members to Jamaica.

Pastor Baxter announced that I would be included in their missions giving. PTL! In pic above, I'm giving a Cote d'Ivoire flag to folks as a prayer reminder. (Flags & all stands finally arrived.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Zehyrhills, FL

Church: Community Chapel Church of God
Pastor: Rev. Keith Reiley
Date: February 22, 2009.

I was impressed with the youth sitting on the front row during morning worship. (When I was a teenager, we usually sat on the back rows.) Some of the youth were fascinated with my display props: wooden Africa shaped plaque, miniature drum, and straw broom.

I praise God for the witness in the community that Community Chapel Church is as they permit use of their facilities to meet human needs via several social service programs and as they support a recovery program. Bless you for "Blooming where you are planted!"

In Acts 1:8 we read: “ will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.“ Jerusalem in this verse is the equivalent of our community - where God wants each of us to start being witnesses to His love.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Praise Report: House for Me in Yamoussoukro

PTL! An answer to prayer: Africa Regional Coordinators Sherman and Kay Critser were hoping to secure a small house for me between theirs and house of missionaries Larry and LeAnn Sellers.

Communications from Kay Critser in late January:

"Your house is waiting on you, girl!"

"There is someone living in that house right now, but he'll be out when you get here! He has a year's contract! I won't be able to send pictures yet.... The owner of the home wants you to live in it!..."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Boot Camp for Personal Support Raising

Boot Camp for Personal Support Raising is an intense two day training seminar to help Christian workers get to their ministry assignment quickly and fully funded. Participants prepare extensively (24+ hours) and the seminar leader helps us to apply the tools and principles learned during preparation. (

I am thankful for the opportunity to attend the Boot Camp in Hendersonville TN (just north of Nashville) February 9-10. Included were:
1. The Biblical Basis of Support Raising
2. Gaining Perspective on Support Raising
3. Planning and Preparation for Support Raising
4. The Phone Call, Appointment, and Follow Up
5. Maintenance and Cultivation of Your Support Team

The Boot Camp was extremely motivating and stretching, some challenging paradigms to grapple with.

My first practical and very helpful application came today in my first weekly meeting with local accountability partner, May Bartels. We discussed strategy, specific goals and potential contacts for the next few weeks, how to prune my overcrowded calendar, review of an adapted weekly report accountability worksheet, a number of praise reports, and of course we prayed together. What a blessing process this will be.

(In photo, I'm on the stairs in bright fuchsia + purple print.)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lake Placid, FL

Church: Community Church of God at Lake Placid
Pastor: Rev. Joe Dehart
Date: January 25, 2009

Thank you folks for your warm friendly welcome and for your contributions to my start-up budget.

When church software would not cooperate to display my PowerPoint presentation, teachers to the rescue! Thank you Georgia DeHart and another teacher for idea to save my Powerpoint to hard drive then burn to a CD. Sanctuary equipment then displayed it. Yes!

2-4-09 PRAISE Report: I just learned that my missions work will included in the Faith Promise budget for the fiscal year 2009-10 at Community Church of God at Lake Placid. PTL!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fast Ends / Breakthroughs & Perspectives Class begins

My church’s 21-day fast ended this past Sunday, January 25. It was a growing, strengthening, deepening experience.

I prayed for my church, its leaders, and especially for more children’s ministry workers. I also prayed for strength, wisdom, discipline and diligence as I started the Perspectives class and for support raising to return to Africa as a career missionary.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
Getting up earlier, I am keeping up with the 2009 Thru the Bible Reading Guide Global Missions. I started with ‘The Message’ version, but went back to my favorite NIV Life Application version that I find so very enriching. I am back to spending more focused time in prayer in morning via A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) rather than when driving to work.

Missionary support raising has been moving slowly. Breakthrough came with the opportunity to attend a Boot Camp for Personal Support Raising ( on Feb. 9-10 in Nashville TN. The Boot Camp is an intense two day training seminar to give us the Right Perspective, new skills, and a workable plan. I am working on the 24+ hours preparation.

The Daniel Fast that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, water, and natural juices laid a foundation for healthy eating. As with Daniel and his friends in the Old Testament, I feel stronger and plan to continue with these things regularly along with poultry and fish. I don’t crave sweets like I used to and get along well without coffee. Green tea is so much healthier.

January 11- May 10, I am attending The Perspectives Study Program ( mostly in Indialantic, FL (Melbourne area). This class is strongly recommended by Global Missions and others, I am enjoying the inspiring guest speakers from various missions backgrounds.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daniel and Juice Fasting Begins

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

As with many other churches in January, my pastor has again challenged our church family to begin the New Year by deeper Kingdom seeking (Matt. 6:33) via fasting and prayer.

Fasting is a practice that places the physical appetite second to spiritual matters. Our fast started January 4th during morning worship service and ends January 25th at worship service. During these 21 days, the goal is to devote extra time to individual prayer and Bible study and to seek God’s direction for our lives and the life of our church. I am keenly aware that I need extra strength, wisdom, discernment, discipline, and guidance as I prepare for the exciting new direction in which God is leading me.

There are many ways to fast, some of the more common methods for extended periods being water/juice OR the Daniel Fast. For the most part, I have chosen the Daniel Fast (Daniel 10:3); at other times I plan to consume just juice and water.

While the Daniel Fast is a partial fast, (rather than total abstention from all food) it still provides many of the attributes of denying the self and seeking God. Basically is a fast from meats, dairy, sweets, processed & fried foods, caffeine, and fat products. The Daniel Fast includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, water, and all natural juices.

Daniel Fast Resources:

“Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer” By Dr. Bill Bright